Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Student - pillar of society!

Stop passing by the truth, what euphemism, stop lying. Stop LYING!
Stop lying to US!

How many times have you regretted that you entered college? Oh, me so many times. Always and  only because I felt cheated. Deceived before common sense and open eyes, and the art of lies and deceit belie my mind. Torn between the thought to be ashore at Normandy of our bureaucratic system, and I fear that the venture will be dearly paid, I realized that day "D" is not yet come. it seems that I slept over a lot of years, and I woke up in Orwell's 1984

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Tear it without any pity. No individual is a rational being,  an individual is a number, a bar code. It does not matter if you can think if you have no chance for that.  Shape it again with the help of mold silence. Extinguish the spark of flame that is just starting to burn, fear of fire is greater than by Sandor Clegane, which incidentally has the nickname The Hound. I want to fight, but I feel lonely. I'm not going to rush alone at the windmills, there's no point.

I walked through the doors of that institution in 2011. It was cold, although greatly summer in Podgorica showed its strength. The old building, filled with cold and haggard faces eager warmth that could only be sensed, even thought it was there at your fingertips. As the semesters lined up, I realized why all this is so.

They want to run you over, processing and shaping as you were feedstock for the production of dolls, puppets distorted faces. Maybe they do not want to, but they are used  that way. That's how one of them was transformed for someone else’s puppet show. The show still goes on, and every year it’s played again. I wonder how someone can’t get tired of watching it so many times.

Student protests, and my first year. As we swam upstream. Normally I went out into the street. Yelling and singing, it was asked to meet the requirements of youth and as always we got new politicians, a lost day and an empty memory of failure.  After that, until now - a collective silence.

Today I just learned that the August deadline is illegal. Each year, the Senate University makes a decision on the approval of the same. That decision is always transparent and available to everyone. PARADOX. How to legally decide approving an illegal exam period? Rule of law?

To me there is nothing unusual about it,  the fact someone suffers because of that is just eating me away. Provoked by the game of scam. I told a friend that he goes to seek help at the administration. Their hands are tied when they have to defend the rights of the students. Thank you!

Cut down to the roots!
The author of this paper protested in high school. Just one day. Dropped so he could have something to eat the next day (urge beyond everything). Yes, my mother works at the school, and could happen that she doesn’t  work there because her son is trying to use his brain. Well, I'm a coward, you would certainly do differently.

Big Brother is watching!
Imagine our country just as the house of Big Brother. A "puppet master" who sees everything and pulls all strings.Now that you imagined it all, open your eyes and see that there is no difference. If you think this is not so - Obey your master!

Behind the window restless sleep,
I feel their shadows,
Watch them dance trough the walls...

Thank you for all the hatred and bitterness that you have caused me. Thank you for my every nervous day, for my every spoken curse. Thank you for attempting to steal my dreams. Thank you for locked mouth. Thank you for tied hands. Thank you for illegal legality.
Thank you, but I’ll never be like you!

Student - stub društva!

Prestanite zaobilaziti istinu, ma kakav eufemizam, prestanite lagati. Prestanite LAGATI! Prestanite lagati NAS!

Koliko puta ste se pokajali što ste upisali fakultet? Oh, ja nebrojeno puta. Uvijek i isključivo zbog toga što sam se osjetio prevarenim. Obmanut pred zdravim razumom i otvorenim očima, dok je umjetnost laži i prevare kosila moj razum.  Rastrzan između pomisli, da se iskrcam na Normandiju našeg birokratskog sistema, i straha da cu taj poduhvat skupo platiti, shvatao sam da dan “D” ipak još uvijek nije došao. Izgleda da sam prespavao mnogo godina, i probudio se u Orvelovoj 1984-oj.

"Moć je pokidati čovjekov um u komade i onda ga sastaviti ponovo u novom obliku koji si ti odabrao.", Džordž Orvel, 1984.

Kidaju ga bez imalo sažaljenja. Nije jedinka razumno bice, jedinka je broj, bar-kod. Nije ni bitno moze li da razmišlja kad za to nece imati šansu. Oblikuju ga ponovo uz pomoć kalupa ćutnje. Gase iskru plamena koji tek počinje da gori, strah od vatre je veći nego kod Sandora Klegejna, koji sasvim slučajno ima nadimak Pseto. Želim da se borim, ali se osjećam usamljeno. Neću da sam jurišam na vjetrenjače, nema svrhe.

Prošao sam kroz vrata te ustanove 2011. godine. Sve je bilo hladno, iako je uveliko ljeto u Podgorici pokazivalo svoju snagu. Stara zgrada, ispunjena hladnim i ispijenim licima željnim topline koja se samo naslutiti mogla, iako je bila tu na dohvatu ruke. Kako su se ređali semestri shvatao sam i zbog čega je sve to tako.

Hoće da vas pregaze, prerade i oblikuju kao da ste sirovina za proizvodnju lutaka, lutaka iskrivljenih lica. Možda oni ne žele to, ali navikli su tako. Tako je neko njih preoblikovao za svoju lutkarsku predstavu. Predstava traje i dalje, i svake godine se igra ponovo. Pitam se kako nekome ne dosadi da je gleda toliko puta.

Studentski protesti, te moje prve godine. Kao da smo zaplivali uzvodno. Normalno da sam izašao na ulicu. Galamilo se i pjevalo, tražilo se ispunjenje zahtjeva mladosti, a dobili smo kao i uvijek nove političare, izgubljen dan i prazno sjećanje na neuspjeh. Nakon toga, pa do sad - kolektivna ćutnja.

Danas sam upravo saznao da je avgustovski rok nelegalan. Svake godine Senat univerziteta donosi odluku o odobravanju istog. Uvijek je ta odluka transparentna i dostupna svima. PARADOKS. Kako na legalan način mogu donijeti odluku o odobravanju nelegalnog ispitnog roka?  Pravna država?

Nije meni tu ništa neobično, samo me izjeda činjenica da neko zbog toga ispašta. Isprovociran sam tom igrom prevara. Rekao sam prijatelju da ode tražiti pomoć kod uprave.  Ruke su im vezane kad treba braniti prava studenta. Hvala im!

Sasječen u korijenu!
Protestovao je autor ovog teksta i u srednjoj školi. Jedan jedini dan. Odustao kako bi imao sledećeg dana nešto da pojede (nagon ispred svega). Da, majka mi radi u školi, a moglo se desiti da ne radi zbog toga što joj je sin pokusao upotrijebiti mozak. Dobro, ja sam kukavica, vi biste sigurno drugačije uradili.

Veliki brat te gleda!
Zamislite našu državu baš kao tu kuću Velikog brata. Jedan “gospodar lutaka” koji sve vidi i vuče sve konce. Sada kad ste sve to zamislili, otvorite oči i vidite da nema razlike. Ako mislite da nije tako - Obey your master!

Iza prozora nemirnog sna,
Osjećam njihove sjene,
Gledam kako kroz zidove plešu...

Hvala vam za svu mržnju i gorčinu koju ste u meni izazvali. Hvala vam za svaki moj nervozan dan i za svaku moju izgovorenu psovku. Hvala vam za pokušaj krađe mojih snova. Hvala vam za zapušena usta. Hvala vam za vezane ruke. Hvala vam za nelegalnu legalnost.
Hvala vam sto nikad neću biti kao VI!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Giving up

I never had any desire to write a blog, to play the hero. But now things I only dreamed about are happening to me. Dreaming and regretting that I’m not one of them.
Life does not play fair, it taught me that much this far. I had it all when he decided to change the pace and the rules of the game.  It pulled the ground under my feet ... I went like Wile E. Coyote when the Road Runner bird fools him, and he does not understand at that time that it is the end of the road, so he is hovering in the air and the edges are a meter away... But that's life... The water currents change, you either learn how to swim or you drown. 

However, there is a trick, life gives you an incredible gift. The choice is only yours! You choose to stay in a cramped corner of the room. You choose whether you whine and moan. You choose every day, every move, you determine your future. And as soon as possible you see it and stop doubting yourself, the better. Do yourself a favor and hush the demons inside you say it is not feasible. Do yourself a favor and do not listen to people who are afraid of change, and that's why they criticize. Listen to yourself, your heart ... What is it that moves the world, and currently is not attainable? Go on, dare to, split up. I know you know what it is. Now the time has come to admit it to yourself.
But remember, dreams do not come true so easily. A lot of work, effort, time, to suffera lot of downs and bad excuses is needed. As your own, as other people. I remember two years ago I had them as well. There were a lot of good excuses in shortage of financial resources, because I am an employee, I do not have an association through which I can participate in the realization of my own dreams. And basically all it was just fear. Fear of the new, fear of the unknown. I did not have anyone to whisper the secret of the success of the fight against the darkness called fear .. It's simple, just step into the darkness and unbelievable but fear will run away like a scared squirrel ... And so every day, move the border ... dreaming and start thinking, opportunity will come and it is on you to grab it. Every time challenge yourself, from which your legs will froze in fear ... That is the only way forward ... Now I still have no money, and still have obligations to the company, but I have the support, a mentor to help me focus and .
Maybe I'm just a crazy intoxicated with the current success and the feeling that you’re accepted and supported, but it feels good. After a few years of constant falling, I started to fight, for myself, for my future  for earning potential, pushing the limits .. Who knows what will it all bring me, good or bad .. But then again, some things I’ll  "think about tomorrow ".

I want to say, show and prove that dreams are achievable. That after the fall you shouldn’t give up, but stand up and wipe away the dust from bloody knees and move on. No stopping, no turning back. Because no person shall afford themselves to stop. Giving up is a luxury that is not acceptable, ever, to anyone! Continuous operation must make results, and which ones only depends on you. Would you be satisfied with the results and this also depends on you. The question is whether you'll be able 20 years from now to forgive yourself. Are you going to look in the mirror and say, at least you tried? Or are you going to pass a familiar face with some wrinkles and a look of disappointment? Can you afford yourself to disappoint the future you because the present you has no courage? 

Aleksandra Borzaš (Novi Kneževac, Serbia)


Нисам никада имала жељу да пишем блог, да глумим хероја.. Међутим, тренутно ми се дешавају ствари о којима сам само сањала. Сањала и жалила што нисам део тoга.
Живот не игра фер, то ме је досада научио. Имала сам све када је он одлучио да мења и темпо и правила игре. Извукао ми је тло под ногам... Прошла сам попут Пере Којота када га насанка Птица Тркачица и он не схвати на време да је крај пута, па лебди у ваздуhу а ивица је на метар од њега... Али то је живот... Водене струје се мењају или научиш да пливаш или се удавиш.

Међутим, ту је и трик, живот ти даје један невероватан поклон.  Само је на теби избор! Ти бираш да останеш скучен у углу собе. Ти бираш да ли ћеш кукати и јадиковати. Ти бираш сваки дан, сваким потезом одређујеш своју будућност. И што пре то увидиш и престанеш да сумњаш у себе, тиме боље. Учини себи услугу и ућуткај те демоне у себи што кажу да није изводљиво. Учини себи услугу и немој да слушаш људе који се боје промене, па због тога и тебе криткују. Послушај себе, своје срце... Шта је то што ти помера свет, а тренутно је недостижно? Хајде, усуди се, разисли. Знам да знаш шта је то. Сада је дошао момента да самом себи признаш.
Али запамти, снови се не остварују тако лако. Треба пуно труда, рада, времен, треба претрпети пуно падова и лоших изговора. Што туђих, што својих. Сећам се, пре две године сам их имала и ја..Било је пуно добрих изговора од мањак финасијских средстава, због тога што сам запослено лице, што немам удружење преко којег бих учествовала у остварење сопствених снова. А у суштини све је то био само страх. Страх од новог, страх од не познатог. Нисам имала никога да ми шапне тајну успеха борбе против таме зване страх.. Просто је, само закорачи у ту таму и невероватно али ће страх побећи попут поплашене веверице... И тако сваки дан, померај границе... сањај и смишљај, прилика ће се указати а  на теби је да је уграбиш. Сваки пут постави себи изазов, од којег ће ти се него следити од страха... То је једин пут напретка...Сада и даљe немам пара, и даље имам обавеза према предузећу, али имам подршку, има ментора да ме усмери  и помогне.
Можда сам само луда опијена тренутним успехом и осећајем да те прихватају и подржавају, али прија. После пар година константног падања почела сам да се борим, за себе, за своју будућноост, за остваривање потенцијал, померање граница.. Ко зна шта ће ми све то донети, добро или лоше.. Али опет, о неким стварима ћу „мислити сутра“.

Желим да кажем, покажем и докажем да су снови оствариви. Да после пада не треба одустати, него устати обрисати прашину са крвавих колена и наставити даље. Нема стајања, нема одустајања. Јер ниједна особа не треба себи да дозволи да стане.  Одустајање је луксуз који није прихватљив, никада, никоме! Константан рад мора донети резулатеа, каkве то само зависи од тебе. Да ли ћеш бити задовољан резулатитам и то опет зависи само од тебе. 
Питање је да ли ћеш моћи себи за 20 година да опростиш? Да ли ћеш се погледати у огледало и рећи: ти си барем покушао? Или ћеш у пролазу угледати познато лице са по којом бором и погледом пуним разочарења? Да ли можеш сам себе да приуштиш да будућег себе разочараш јер сада немаш петље?

Aleksandra Borzaš (Novi Kneževac , Srbija)

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Lost in search

You've all heard, you had to hear it. Even if you do not watch TV or read the newspapers that your neighbor regularly browses with morning coffee, though you had to hear it. Everything buzzed about it for days, about the missing girl!
Days passed, old newspapers piled up at the same neighbor, and the TV program has followed its scheme, but still there was no progress in the search for her. As usual we counted days, the planet Earth, and we in it. Some usual day out of the sea of the same ones, I’d look or read, the breaking news, to find out what happened to her, but was left without the turn of events. And I thought about it ... Well actually I didn’t, I'm lying, because after all we all have our own demons with which we must deal. You might think I'm a bad person because of this. No worries!
Her lifeless body was found, the lifeless body of the child. I rub my eyes in disbelief, yet somehow I realize that it was an inevitable sequence of events. All that, wakes me from some kind of sleep and suddenly makes me restless. So many thoughts chaotically circling through my head like a moth that rushes toward the light source. I started up from sleep mode, I’m thinking.
What developments! My consciousness is not able to accept such an epilogue. It's like watching "True Detective" and not a regular news broadcast. You will say that the perpetrator was mentally ill- you will give him amnesty with it. No, the last what he could be is a vagarious person. He's an evil seed of death that began its development. Man do not allow to develop into a black flower, mow it while you still have time.
Anger is the ruler of our hearts. Before our eyes looms a dark curtain of hatred towards the one who took one youth in this world. The worst is when the animal is awoken in man. You do not want to identify yourself with a cold-blooded killer. No, we do not need to think how to punish him. Let it be done by those who are responsible for the condemnation and punishment. Still we do not stay mute and useless after all! The real battle yet awaits us, each one of us. Rest in peace!
Whoever thinks this murder is an isolated event, I would call them irresponsible and reckless. This act is only a confirmation of a deep crisis of morality and consciousness in which we are, and from which we need to pull out, or break away from it. How?
How to change the social consciousness? What to do in order to save our lives from the evil that surrounds us? (Rhetorical question)

We need a radical change of the condition in which the society is as a whole. Yet it is not easy to change the system. It doesn’t go overnight. Every individual should be changed, every free ME, so we could even think about the general changes in the community. And everyone must agree to first change themselves in order to continue to provide assistance in achieving a higher purpose. Everything actually depends only on us and on our approach to life. It depends on how we treat the world around us.
We live in a strange time, in the time of storm. I assume that there was no generation that felt different, but it seems to me, never has a man been so close and similar to that "monkey" as they are today. I'd rather have that monkey called hyena ... And a drama is played on the stage of society. Hopefully it will not turn into a tragedy as it is in the case of the sad girl.


I wanted to tell you with this text, dear reader, how the spears about your and my world break, in about our lives. I wanted to tell you to continue, or if you have not already to start to fight for yourself and your peace, because only when we all find peace in ourselves, the peace will be created around us.

Izgubljeni u potrazi

Svi ste čuli, morali ste čuti. Makar i ne gledali televiziju ili ne čitali novine koje vaš komšija redovno lista uz jutarnju kafu, ipak ste morali čuti. Danima je sve brujalo o tome, o nestaloj djevojčici!
Prolazili su dani, gomilale su se stare novine kod tog istog komšije, a i televizijski program je pratio svoju shemu, no ipak nikakvog pomaka u potrazi za njom nije bilo. Uobičajno smo brojali dane, planeta Zemlja i mi na njoj. Ponekog uobičajnog dana iz mora istih, pogledao bih ili pročitao, udarne vijesti, kako bih saznao šta joj se desilo, ali ostajao sam uskraćen za rasplet.  I mislio sam ja o tome... Ma zapravo i nijesam, lažem, jer ipak svi mi imamo neke svoje demone sa kojima se moramo izboriti. Možda mislite da sam zbog ovoga loš čovjek. Ne mari!
Pronađeno je njeno beživotno tijelo, beživotno tijelo djeteta. Trljam svoje oči u nevjerici, a opet na neki način shvatam da je to bio neminovan slijed događaja. Sve to me budi iz neke vrste sna i odjednom me čini nemirnim. Toliko misli koje kruže glavom haoticno kao leptirica koja juri ka izvoru svjetlosti. Pokrenuo sam se iz stanja mirovanja, razmišljam.
Kakav razvoj situacije! Moja svijest još ne može da prihvati takav epilog. Kao da gledam “Prave detektive”, a ne običnu informativnu emisiju. Kazaćete da je počinitelj nervni bolesnik - pomilovaćete ga time. Ne, posljednje šta bi mogao biti je neuračunljiva osoba. On je zlo sjeme smrti koje je počinjalo svoj razvoj. Ne dozvoli čovječe da izraste u crni cvijet, pokosi ga dok još imaš vremena.
Bijes je vladar naših srca. Pred našim očima nadvija se tamna zavjesa mržnje prema onome koji je uzeo jednu mladost ovom svijetu. Najgore je kad se životinja probudi u čovjeku. Ne želite da se poistovjetite sa hladnokrvnim ubicom. Ne, mi ne treba da razmišljamo kako ga kazniti. Neka to rade oni koji su zaduženi za osuđivanje i kažnjavanje. Ipak ne ostajmo nijemi i beskorisni nakon svega! Prava borba nas tek čeka, svakog od nas. Počivaj u miru!
Ko god misli da je ovo ubistvo izolovan događaj, nazvao bih ga neodgovornim i lakomislenim. Ovakav čin je samo potvrda duboke krize morala i svijesti u kojoj smo, a iz koje se treba iščupati, ili se od nje otrgnuti. Kako?
Kako promijeniti socijalnu svijest? Sta učiniti kako bismo sačuvali svoje živote od zla koje nas okružuje? (retoričko pitanje)

Potrebna nam je korjenita promjena stanja u kojem se društvo nalazi kao cjelina. No ipak nije lako mijenjati sistem. Ne ide to preko noći. Treba izmijeniti svakog pojedinca, svako slobodno JA, kako bismo uopšte i pomislili na promjene u zajednici. I mora svako pristati da prvo mijenja sebe kako bi dalje pružio pomoć u postizanju nekog višeg cilja. Sve zapravo zavisi isključivo od nas i od našeg pristupa životu. Zavisi od toga kako se ophodimo prema svijetu koji nas okružuje.
Živimo u čudnom vremenu, u vremenu nevremena. Pretpostavljam da nije postojala generacija koja se osjećala drugačije, ali mi se čini da nikad kao danas čovjek nije bio tako blizak i sličan onom "majmunu". Ja bih radije tog majmuna nazvao hijenom... I odigrava se drama na pozornici društva. Nadajmo se da se neće pretvoriti u tragediju kao u slučaju tužne djevojčice.

Htio sam ovim tekstom da ti kažem, dragi čitaoče, kako se u meni lome koplja u vezi sa tvojim i mojim svijetom, u vezi sa našim životima. Htio sam ti reći i da nastaviš, ili ako već nisi da počneš da se boriš za sebe i svoj mir, jer tek onda kad svi pronađemo mir u nama samima, on će se stvoriti i oko nas.

Friday, August 8, 2014


The use of the masculine gender in the names of professions is a reality in Montenegro. Such use has become so prevalent that led up to be accepted as normative and the only right path. Should the question of sexism and stereotypes in language be ignored? Language as a mean of communication is a living organism, which, according to its nature, changes over time. The concept of social beings includes the concept of linguistic beings, and the topic of the relationship between language and society becomes inexhaustible. Formed together, society and language can only survive like that, the possibility of existence of one without the other. Every human culture has the kind of language according to their needs, to effectively achieve the basic role of an instrument of society and culture. Any changes that are happening in society necessarily reflect in the language, especially in its lexical-semantic level.
Montenegrin society, with its linguistic determinants shows a high degree of discrimination based on gender division. Montenegrin culture, with its specific codes of behavior, which are deeply rooted in tradition, legends and myths in which women are considered to be subjected. That type of culture spawned the construction of man-woman a phrase used for the woman which is characterized by the best human characteristics. Female children in Montenegrin society are not children but šćeri (a word used in colloquial speech to say its a daughter), so in Montenegrin language phrase that has been established I have two children and three daughters (šćeri) for two sons and three daughters.
However, we are witnesses that in the media and in everyday life, more and more encounters with the use of the feminine gender forms to indicate titles and women. Also, various studies have shown that in recent textbooks strictly take into account that in the language, illustrations, texts, maintains the equality of the sexes. Gender-disaggregated orientation in textbooks reflected in his address to the students consistently in the forms of both male and female. Despite all the efforts to combat stereotypical determinants of language in Montenegro shows still resistance to this kind of expression. Many argue that such frequent use of certain terms of representing and forcing reliance on the emancipator trends, rather than a real need for these expressions. Again, there is a problem, many of these terms are not pronounced properly, so there is an even greater confusion, because everyone makes his own coin: prvoborkinja (a female which fought in a war), female surgeon, philosopher, academician, Secretary, Chancellor - many sound clumsy and strange. Names for female occupations are just one of them, but very visible. Psychologist with us or female surgeon in Croatian can cause great tonal repulsion due to the unaccustomed  use of these words. Hence qualifications that these words are clumsy and contrived can cause a real resistance.
People are not afraid of words, but because of what use of such a word symbolizes. So the word, it is not dangerous, but its metaphor. The use of such words, clumsy, or not, means something much bigger. Acknowledging the word, we recognize the woman. Acknowledging a woman, we change somewhat the order of things in the society. By changing the order of things in society, we are changing our universe. And, it is a large-scale earthquake. This earthquake is best controlled at its very root, that is, to accuse a word that is ugly, and that she herself is discouraged and to be withdrawn to the mothy, dusty dictionaries and books. Ideological background of linguistics is invisible, but it is an essential part of the story. Give the woman a word and find the word for a woman's occupation, means to empower women, and empowered woman, either economically, or professionally, either through their awareness, there lays the power, and can be potentially dangerous. By empowering women, in one radicalized form, it could mean to strengthen the enemy. Therefore, male vulnerability due to threat to their domination, becomes understandable only when interpreted in terms of power relations and distribution of power.

picture taken from


Upotreba muškog roda u nazivima profesija je realnost u Crnoj Gori. Takva upotreba postala je toliko učestala da je dovela do tog da se prihvata kao normativna i jedino ispravna. Postavlja se pitanje: Da li se pitanje seksizma i stereotipa u jeziku smije zanemariti? Jezik kao sredstvo komunikacije je živa materija koja se, shodno svojoj prirodi, vremenom mijenja. Pojam društvenog bića uključuje i pojam jezičkog bića, a tema odnosa jezika i društva postaje neiscrpna. Nastali zajedno, društvo i jezik samo tako i opstaju, jedno bez drugog izgubilo bi mogućnost svoga postajanja. Svaka ljudska kultura ima onakav jezik kakav im je potreban da efikasno ostvaruje osnovnu ulogu instrumenta društva i kulture. Sve promjene koje se dešavaju u društvu nužno se odražavaju na jezik, posebno na njegov leksičko-semantički nivo.
Crnogorsko društvo sa svojim jezičkim odrednicama pokazalo je visok stepen diskriminicaije zasnovane na rodnoj podjeli. Crnogorska kultura je, svojim posebnim  kodovima u  ponašanju, duboko ukorjenjena u tradiciji, legendama i mitovima u kojima je žena podređena. Takav vid kulture iznjedrio je konstrukciju čovjek-žena za ženu koja se odlikuje najboljim ljudskim osobinama. Ženski porod u crnogorskom društvu nijesu djeca nego šćeri pa je tako u crnogorskom jeziku ustaljena rečenica imam dva djeteta i tri šćeri za porod koji sačinjavaju dva sina i tri kćeri.
Ipak, svjedoci smo da se u pojedinim medijima, pa i u svakodnevnom životu, sve češće srijećemo sa korišćenjem formi ženskog roda za označavanje zanimanja i titula žena. Takođe, razna istraživanja su pokazala da se u novijim udžbenicima strogo vodi računa da se i u jeziku, ilustracijama, tekstovima održava ravnopravnost polova. Rodnosenzitivna orjentacija u udžbenicima ogleda se i u obraćanju učenicima dosledno u oblicima i muškog i ženskog roda. Uprkos svim naporima da se suzbiju stereotipne odrednice u jeziku, u Crnoj Gori je i dalje prisutan otpor prema ovakvom izražavanju. Mnogi tvrde da ovako učestalo korišćenja pojedinih izraza više predstavlja forsiranje i povođenje za emancipatorskim trendovima, nego li stvarnu potrebu za tim izrazima. Opet, tu je i problem što mnogi ove izraze ne izgovaraju pravilno, pa se stvara još veća konfuzija, jer svako pravi svoje kovanice: prvoborkinja, hiruržica (hirurškinja), filozofkinja, akademkinja, sekretarka, kancelarka - mnogima zvuče rogobatno i strano. Nazivi za ženska zanimanja samo je jedno od njih, ali vrlo vidljivo. Psihološkinja kod nas ili kiruržica u Hrvatskoj, može da izazove veliku zvukovnu odbojnost zbog nenaviknutosti na upotrebu tih riječi. Odatle kvalifikacija da su te riječi rogobatne i isforsirane, a mogu i da izazovu zaista pravi otpor.
Nijesu ljudi uplašeni zbog riječi, nego zbog onoga što upotreba takve riječi simbolizuje. Dakle, nije opasna riječ, nego njena metafora. Upotreba jedne takve riječi, rogobatne, ili ne, znači nešto mnogo krupnije. Priznavši riječ, priznajemo ženu. Priznavši ženu, mijenjamo, donekle, poredak stvari u društvu. Mijenjanjem poretka stvari u društvu, mijenjamo naš univerzum. A, to je potres velikih razmjera. Taj potres se najbolje suzbija u samom korijenu, a to znači optužiti riječ da je ružna, pa da se ona sama obeshrabri i povuče u moljčanu prašinu rječnika i knjiga. Ideološka pozadina ove lingvistike nevidljiva je, ali predstavlja suštinski dio priče. Dati ženi riječ i iznaći riječ za ženino zanimanje, znači osnažiti ženu, a osnažena žena, bilo ekonomski, bilo profesionalno, bilo kroz svoju osviješćenost, velika je snaga, potencijalno i opasna. Osnažiti ženu, dakle u jednoj radikalizovanoj formi, moglo bi da znači osnažiti neprijatelja. Stoga, muška ugroženost usljed ugroženosti njihove dominacije, postaje shvatljiva tek kada se tumači na planu odnosa snaga i raspodjele moći.

picture taken from

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Young Macedonians see the future out of the country.

Many young people in Macedonia the exit out of the difficult economic situation and a better tomorrow see in the EU countries or possibly the United States, in fact everywhere, just not in their home country.In Macedonia another local elections have just finished. The citizens have used their democratic right to vote and elected local government which will take care of them in the next four years. Those who have closely followed the campaign, say that the on the pre-election promises, menu, was no place for the essential questions and answers to problems that are for many years tormenting citizens, and they are, above all, a high rate of unemployment and a low standard, and that a dominant position had nationalist rhetoric.

Intellectuals going
A great indifference and inferiority among youth is evident, especially students, those who should be generators and critical mass of society. Recent research detected more massive departure of young people, especially intellectuals from Macedonia, who most often in Western Europe seek a better tomorrow. This trend of "brain drain" is becoming increasingly worrying and themes numerous formal and informal meetings of youth.
Aleksandra, Milena, Sara, and Dejan Arbend are third-year students at the Faculty of Economics at the State University, 'Saint Cyril and Methodius University' in Skopje. They are my coleagues from college with whom I often talk about everyday problems. We are concerned about the current social and economic situation and our perspective. Like many, the exit out from this situation and a better tomorrow they see in the EU countries or possibly the United States,  in fact everywhere, just not in their home country.
During the pre-election campaign, in the second round, a debate was heald on youth unemployment and the brain drain trend in Macedonia. The participants in this debate were representatives of youth from 14 political parties. They offered various solutions to the problem of youth unemployment and the mass leaving the country, but they also were convinced that the economic problems of young people do not have ethnic and religious element-they refer to the whole society. Analis results of past local elections indicated that ethnicity was the key to getting votes, and the strategies of political parties that obviously knows how to get "cheap votes". 
Last month, for political reasons, youth of Albanian and Macedonian ethnicity protested, they fought among each other and devastated Skopje. Chaos ruled for days. Citizens felt insecure and were afraid to move freely. Interethnic relations are fragile. It takes a little to come to a conflict that are often repeated constantly in the last decade. The economic and political crisis in the country's rules for a long time now.

What is it in this country that a young and promising man, an intellectual can hope for? Why should they stay in their native country if there is no other reason except that it was his native country, and when they are there persona non grata? What is the motive why would the young and highly qualified staff remain in the country where the dominant employer is public administration, and conditions of employment, in most cases, everything except what is needed-adequate knowledge, predispositions and the ability for a particular job? These are questions that every young person aware of the alarming situation in the country sets. These issues revolve in mind of the whole Macedonian youth, regardless of ethnicity or religious affiliation.Economic experts point out that human resources as a factor of production are very important for the growth and development of the country, especially for the Balkan countries, which are in development and in which the permanent loss of skilled labor is equivalent impoverishment, which will undoubtedly be reflected in all aspects of society .

Written by Admir Fazlagić. 
A young journalist who writes for numerous national and international media outlets.
Also a student of Faculty of Economics' St. "Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje.

Raising the level of education
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia last September announced the development of a national strategy which will systematically approach solving the problem of emigration of highly educated and skilled personnel from the country. So far for now, it doesn’t have a significant effect.
My two best friends, graduate doctors of general medicine, just packed their bags and are going to Germany with the hope that their knowledge will be respected and that there is perspective for them. Not slowly, but surely every day, the phenomenon of brain drain is taking it’s tool.
According to past experience, palliative and short-term measures (such as a significant increase in inflation, one-time public capital investment) in order to reduce unemployment and stopping the brain drain, have not succeeded, and do not provide lasting results.
However, the improvement of the situation could be expected as a result of measures with long-term, lasting effects. Gradually changing the structure of the Macedonian economy and raising the level of education and skills of the workforce, are seemingly best way to achieve this goal. 

Will it stop, or at least neutralize, the brain drain, a highly expressed trend in the Balkan countries, and how, remains an enigma.

Mladi Makedonci vide budućnost van zemlje.

Brojni mladi u Makedoniji izlaz iz teške ekonomske situacije i bolje sjutra vide u zemljama Evropske unije, ili eventualno Americi, u stvari svugdje, samo ne u svojoj domovini.U Makedoniji su upravo završeni još jedni lokalni izbori. Građani su iskoristili svoje demokratsko pravo glasa i izabrali lokalnu vlast koja će o njima brinuti u naredne četiri godine. Oni koji su budno pratili predizbornu kampanju, kažu da na meniju predizbornih obećanja nije bilo mjesta za suštinska pitanja i odgovore na probleme koje već dugi niz godina tište građane, a to su, u prvom redu, velika stopa nezaposlenosti i nizak standard, te da je dominantno mjesto imala nacionalistička retorika. 

Odlazak intelektualaca

Evidentna je velika indiferentnost i inferiornost kod omladine, posebno studenata, onih koji bi trebali biti generatori i kritična masa društva. Posljednja istraživanja detektiraju sve masovniji odlazak omladine, posebno  intelektualaca iz Makedonije, koji najčešće u zemljama Zapadne Evrope traže bolje sutra. Ovaj trend "odliva mozgova" postaje sve više zabrinjavajući i tema je  mnogih formalnih i neformalnih susreta omladine.
Aleksandra, Milena, Sara, Dejan i Arbend su studenti treće godine na Ekonomskom fakultetu, pri državnom Univerzitetu ,,Sv. Ćiril i Metodije’’ u Skoplju. Oni su moje kolege sa fakulteta, s kojima često razgovaram o svakodnevnim problemima. Zabrinuti smo zbog  trenutne društvene i ekonomske situacije i naše perspektive. Kao i mnogi, oni izlaz iz ove situacije i bolje sutra vide u zemljama Evropske unije, ili eventualno Americi, u stvari svugdje, samo ne ovdje, u svojoj domovini.
Za vrijeme predizborne kampanje, u drugom krugu, održala se debata o nezaposlenosti omladine i trendu odliva mozgova u Makedoniji. Učesnici ove debate bili su predstavnici omladine iz 14 političkih stranaka.Ponudili su razna rješenja za problem nezaposlenosti omladine i masovno napuštanje zemlje, ali su ujedno bili ubijeđeni da ekonomski problemi mladih nemaju etnički i religijski element -oni se odnose na čitavo društvo. Analiza rezultata proteklih lokalnih izbora indicira da je etnička pripadnost bila ključ za dobijanje glasova, a i strategija političkih stranaka koje očito znaju kako doći do "jeftinih glasova". Prošlog mjeseca, iz političkih pobuda, omladina albanske i makedonske nacionalnosti  je protestovala, međusobno se tukla i demolirala Skoplje. Danima je vladao haos. Građani su se osjećali nesigurnim i plašili su se slobodno kretati. Međuetnički odnosi su krhki. Malo je potrebno da dođe do konflikta i to se često ponavlja, konstatno u poslednjoj deceniji. Ekonomska i politička kriza u zemlji vlada već dugo.

Čemu se onda u ovakvoj zemlji može nadati jedan mlad i perspektivan čovjek, intelektualac? Zašto bi trebao ostati u rodnoj zemlji ako nema drugi razlog, osim toga da je to njegova rodna zemlja, a pri tome je i u njoj persona non grata?  Iz kojih bi motiva mladi visokoobrazovani i stručan kadar trebao ostati u državi gdje je dominantni poslodavac javna administracija, a uslovi za zapošljavanje, u većini slučajeva, sve sem ono što je potrebno –adekvatno znanje, predispozicije i sposobnosti za određeno radno mjesto? Ovo su pitanja koja sebi postavi svaki mlad čovjek svjestan zabrinjavajućeg stanja u svojoj zemlji. Ova se pitanja vrte u glavi čitave makedonske omladine bez obzira na nacionalnu i vjersku pripadnost.
Ekonomski eksperti ukazuju da su ljudski resursi kao faktor proizvodnje veoma bitni  za ekonomski rast i razvoj jedne zemlje, posebno za zemlje Balkana, koje su u razvoju i za koje je trajan gubitak kvalifikovane radne snage ekvivalentan osiromašavanju, što će se nedvosmisleno odraziti u svim aspektima društva. 

Piše Admir Fazlagić iz Makedonije.

Mladi novinar koji piše za brojne nacionalne i internacionalne medijske kuće.

 Ujedno i student ekonomskog fakulteta 'Sv. Ćiril i Metodije' u Skoplju. 
Podizanje nivoa obrazovanja  

Ministarstvo za obrazovanje i nauku Republike Makedonije prošlog septembra najavilo je izradu nacionalne strategije kojom bi sistematski pristupilo rješavanju problema emigracije visokoobrazovanog i stručnog kadra iz zemlje. Bar do sada, znatnog efekta nema.
Upravo su moja dva najbolja prijatelja, inače diplomirani doktori opće medicine, spakovali svoje kofere i odlaze u Njemačku sa nadom da će njihovo znanje biti poštovano i da tamo ima perspektive za njih.  
Ne polako, već sigurno svakoga dana, fenomen odliva mozgova uzima maha.
Prema dosadašnjem iskustvu, palijativne i kratkoročne mjere ( što su značajan porast inflacije, jednokratne javne kapitalne investicije) s ciljem smanjenja broja nezaposlenih i zaustavljanja, odliva mozgova, nisu urodile plodom,odnosno ne daju trajne rezultate.Ipak, poboljšanje stanja bi se moglo očekivati kao rezultat mjera sa dugoročnim, trajnim efektima. Postepeno mijenjanje strukture makedonske ekonomije i podizanje nivoa obrazovanja i kvalifikacija radne snage, naizgled su najbolji načini za ostvarivanje ovakvog cilja. 

Da li će se
 zaustaviti, ili barem neutralizirati, ovaj odliv mozgova, veoma izraziti trend  u balkanskim zemljama, te na koji način, ostaje enigma.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Profit first, the rest later.

The appearance of Boka bay leaves an unforgettable impression on everyone who has visited this area at least once. Unique Freud on the Adriatic Sea combines steep mountain, emerald slopes and the deep-blue sea, creating a pleasing atmosphere to an eye. On the western side of the bay Herceg Novi is located, a city rich in cultural heritage and Mediterranean vegetation presents the perfect place for a holiday during the whole year
The beginning of tourism in the municipality of Herceg Novi is linked to the name of Dr. Antal Mađar who has back in 1902. built the first modern hotel in Zelenika. Hotel, “plaža”, is by no means lagged behind other tourist resorts in Europe, dr. Mađar along with other staff, has truly worked hard to provide our guests a pleasant stay. Guests, mostly coming from Serbia, Austria-Hungary and Germany, had the opportunity to use a decorated beach hotel, to enjoy multi-day cruises through the Bay, also for them trips were organized around Montenegro and Shkodra. Hotel printed tourist brochures where they could find information about the history, traditions and lifestyle of Herceg Novi and Boka. The war in the Balkans have not bypassed the hotel, “Plaža”, several times it has been destroyed, but the family Mađar every time succeded to restore and regain it former glory. Yet the communist government in 1948. nationalized the hotel and turned it into a children's resort, thus ending a successful chapter of the Novi tourism.
Herceg Novi has welcomed this year's season with two serious and functional hotels that are owned by foreigners. These hotels are doing quite well in large part due to the cheap local labor. The former backbone of the Novi tourism hotel and catering company Boka no longer exists, the tribute to the bad privatization was paid. The company Vektra-Jakic that bought under favorable conditions most of the property of HTP Boka, did not meet any of the promised, the old hotels aren’t renovated, and there is no trace of new facilities.The collapse of the hotel deals opened up the possibility for the growth in apartment tourism or private accommodation. Guests who arrive in Herceg Novi do not have much of a choice if they want to stay there, hence opt for private accommodation despite the accommodation fees are often beyond the limits of good taste. As each year the tourist season is getting shorter everyone is trying to gain profit in that period. Parking is charged, parasols and sun loungers are charged, prices in restaurants and nightclubs do not match the quality of the services offered.
Many believe that tourists should be satisfied with just being in a Herceg Novi, that they can enjoy the sea and the Mediterranean ambience. In other words, we offer them sea and sun and in return expect euros, of course, they do not need anything else. If you find yourself in mid-July (once the peak season) in the Novi you can easily spot results this notion of tourism. Half empty beaches, few guests in bars that seem to be competing who’ll longer sip one drink, an indispensable part of the bleak picture are dissatisfied locals who moan over a failed season. The question is where did all these tourists disapear, why don’t they come to our sea that once they perceived as their own. True, feature of a successful tourist season is not only in the number of tourists, but also generated income. In recent years, Herceg Novi is largely bypassed by tourists and said euri, for a moment we need to stop and think about where we are as a country and as individuals made ​​a mistake.
Logic dictates that we go where we have been offered better conditions, where we get more for less money. Guided by that many citizens of Serbia replaced the Montenegrin coast with Halkidiki, Crete, Kusadasi, Antalya. While in Montenegro ruled a farytale about elite tourism and big spenders from the West, tourism officials in Greece and Turkey have treated all visitors in same way. In this way, they respected one of the golden rules of tourism, make sure your guest comes by next year. We forgot that, we observed the visitors as disposable items from which we should draw the last cent. Some actions of the political leadership also influenced the attitude of Serbian tourists to vacation in Montenegro, creating in them a sense of disappointment and anger.
However limitations of the offer is the biggest flaw of Herceg Novi, guests are destined to concrete beach, bars and a few nightclubs. There is a lack of cultural and musical events, contents that would interrupt the daily routine of he guests which is composed of swimming, sunbathing, barbecues and a little walk. Why shouldn’t tourists be allowed to visit the natural beauty endowed Orjen peaks, mountain situated 20 minutes drive from the city center. How come no beach in Herceg Novi Riviera has no grounds for volleyball and football on the sand, where did the goals for water polo in the city from which are many representatives of Montenegro and Serbia dissaper. Beaches are we covered with plastic chairs and umbrellas that do not leave room for those who do not want to rent the mentioned requisites.
Domestic guests (today we call them, guests from the region ") for years neglected the obvious shortcomings of the tourist offer of Herceg Novi, again returning justifying the fact that their other summer destinations are unavailable for them. But above all there was the main argument (of course wiht kinship, friendship ties) that didn’t allowe them to change the place, the thought of not going to someone elses sea but on “our common". In recent years, in a combination of circumstances, we lost many of them, and elite guests from the rich West don’t seem to arrive in greater numbers, perhaps because they are not willing to so easily forgive us our tourism and hospitality disadvantages. The condition is improved somewhat by Russian tourists, but they are not exactly on everyones page. Some find them too loud, the others they drink and fight too much, and some criticize them for spending a little. We forget that the town without them, and guests from Serbia and B&H would look like some deserted-town, it's time to realize that every visitor requers a decent treatment if you want to be a serious tourist destination.
 It is naive to think of prosperity if we allow our flagship of tourism to continue to be incompetent politicians, arrogant and semi-literate tenants of beach, street room retailers and greedy restaurateurs. You need something to change or we will continue to sink faster and faster, and when we touch the bottom there is no turning back.
Dr Antal Mađar, had a vision more than a century of how to develop tourism in Herceg Novi, in spite of many difficulties he has for years successfully implemented his ideas. The visitors were satisfied with the offered and they returned again, the staff was trained and properly rewarded for their work. Hotel has successfully operated which allowed new investments and improving the offer, always raising new goals.

Today we have none of the above, the reason might be the fact that Dr. Mađar unlike today's tourism workers in every guest saw a man and not an open wallet.

 Photo of Herceg Novi. And a postcard and photo of hotel "Plaža" Photos taken from: and