Sunday, August 17, 2014

Giving up

I never had any desire to write a blog, to play the hero. But now things I only dreamed about are happening to me. Dreaming and regretting that I’m not one of them.
Life does not play fair, it taught me that much this far. I had it all when he decided to change the pace and the rules of the game.  It pulled the ground under my feet ... I went like Wile E. Coyote when the Road Runner bird fools him, and he does not understand at that time that it is the end of the road, so he is hovering in the air and the edges are a meter away... But that's life... The water currents change, you either learn how to swim or you drown. 

However, there is a trick, life gives you an incredible gift. The choice is only yours! You choose to stay in a cramped corner of the room. You choose whether you whine and moan. You choose every day, every move, you determine your future. And as soon as possible you see it and stop doubting yourself, the better. Do yourself a favor and hush the demons inside you say it is not feasible. Do yourself a favor and do not listen to people who are afraid of change, and that's why they criticize. Listen to yourself, your heart ... What is it that moves the world, and currently is not attainable? Go on, dare to, split up. I know you know what it is. Now the time has come to admit it to yourself.
But remember, dreams do not come true so easily. A lot of work, effort, time, to suffera lot of downs and bad excuses is needed. As your own, as other people. I remember two years ago I had them as well. There were a lot of good excuses in shortage of financial resources, because I am an employee, I do not have an association through which I can participate in the realization of my own dreams. And basically all it was just fear. Fear of the new, fear of the unknown. I did not have anyone to whisper the secret of the success of the fight against the darkness called fear .. It's simple, just step into the darkness and unbelievable but fear will run away like a scared squirrel ... And so every day, move the border ... dreaming and start thinking, opportunity will come and it is on you to grab it. Every time challenge yourself, from which your legs will froze in fear ... That is the only way forward ... Now I still have no money, and still have obligations to the company, but I have the support, a mentor to help me focus and .
Maybe I'm just a crazy intoxicated with the current success and the feeling that you’re accepted and supported, but it feels good. After a few years of constant falling, I started to fight, for myself, for my future  for earning potential, pushing the limits .. Who knows what will it all bring me, good or bad .. But then again, some things I’ll  "think about tomorrow ".

I want to say, show and prove that dreams are achievable. That after the fall you shouldn’t give up, but stand up and wipe away the dust from bloody knees and move on. No stopping, no turning back. Because no person shall afford themselves to stop. Giving up is a luxury that is not acceptable, ever, to anyone! Continuous operation must make results, and which ones only depends on you. Would you be satisfied with the results and this also depends on you. The question is whether you'll be able 20 years from now to forgive yourself. Are you going to look in the mirror and say, at least you tried? Or are you going to pass a familiar face with some wrinkles and a look of disappointment? Can you afford yourself to disappoint the future you because the present you has no courage? 

Aleksandra Borzaš (Novi Kneževac, Serbia)

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