Saturday, August 9, 2014

Lost in search

You've all heard, you had to hear it. Even if you do not watch TV or read the newspapers that your neighbor regularly browses with morning coffee, though you had to hear it. Everything buzzed about it for days, about the missing girl!
Days passed, old newspapers piled up at the same neighbor, and the TV program has followed its scheme, but still there was no progress in the search for her. As usual we counted days, the planet Earth, and we in it. Some usual day out of the sea of the same ones, I’d look or read, the breaking news, to find out what happened to her, but was left without the turn of events. And I thought about it ... Well actually I didn’t, I'm lying, because after all we all have our own demons with which we must deal. You might think I'm a bad person because of this. No worries!
Her lifeless body was found, the lifeless body of the child. I rub my eyes in disbelief, yet somehow I realize that it was an inevitable sequence of events. All that, wakes me from some kind of sleep and suddenly makes me restless. So many thoughts chaotically circling through my head like a moth that rushes toward the light source. I started up from sleep mode, I’m thinking.
What developments! My consciousness is not able to accept such an epilogue. It's like watching "True Detective" and not a regular news broadcast. You will say that the perpetrator was mentally ill- you will give him amnesty with it. No, the last what he could be is a vagarious person. He's an evil seed of death that began its development. Man do not allow to develop into a black flower, mow it while you still have time.
Anger is the ruler of our hearts. Before our eyes looms a dark curtain of hatred towards the one who took one youth in this world. The worst is when the animal is awoken in man. You do not want to identify yourself with a cold-blooded killer. No, we do not need to think how to punish him. Let it be done by those who are responsible for the condemnation and punishment. Still we do not stay mute and useless after all! The real battle yet awaits us, each one of us. Rest in peace!
Whoever thinks this murder is an isolated event, I would call them irresponsible and reckless. This act is only a confirmation of a deep crisis of morality and consciousness in which we are, and from which we need to pull out, or break away from it. How?
How to change the social consciousness? What to do in order to save our lives from the evil that surrounds us? (Rhetorical question)

We need a radical change of the condition in which the society is as a whole. Yet it is not easy to change the system. It doesn’t go overnight. Every individual should be changed, every free ME, so we could even think about the general changes in the community. And everyone must agree to first change themselves in order to continue to provide assistance in achieving a higher purpose. Everything actually depends only on us and on our approach to life. It depends on how we treat the world around us.
We live in a strange time, in the time of storm. I assume that there was no generation that felt different, but it seems to me, never has a man been so close and similar to that "monkey" as they are today. I'd rather have that monkey called hyena ... And a drama is played on the stage of society. Hopefully it will not turn into a tragedy as it is in the case of the sad girl.


I wanted to tell you with this text, dear reader, how the spears about your and my world break, in about our lives. I wanted to tell you to continue, or if you have not already to start to fight for yourself and your peace, because only when we all find peace in ourselves, the peace will be created around us.

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