Monday, September 15, 2014

"Man how proudly does it sound" - Maxim Gorky

If we should comment on something I think it should be Montenegrin workers.
As the long-run practice in our society is to prevent rebellion with nonrefundable credits and silence the hungry, giving them meager amounts how the state doesn't have to deal with a bunt people are again willing to sell themselves. I refuse to believe that the brave and proud Montenegro hasn't left one man who will say no, or I am in a misapprehension.

Maybe if you scratch a little better the swampy area of the Montenegrin public not wavering since the early days, we see the characters of people. People who have forgotten . Who live on the margins, those who were once proletarian power, those who are carrying on their shoulders the economy of a strong country and that worked, but was it all like that really.

That these same workers were satisfied with the salaries that covered their general needs and everything beyond that was "on loan" extremely affordable and accessible to everyone. And today. Today on the loan you only have life that will leave you trying to restore the same. Today on resolving housing issues you can only dream about or if you were smart enough and you have the one meadow above the old summer pasture sold to the Russians at the time they would have enough money for the apartment of 60 square meters, but alas you prefer your country and grandfathers legacy more who returns you this way now

Here, take the case of miners of the Bauxite Mines -Nikšić. They prepared bunt if they don't get the rights that they by law are theirs aren't respected. Epilogue we all know already. The state will again squeeze in a couple of pays or roads that won't be built, and that's a full wolf and sheeps at number, as our people say
Is that the kind of country we want? Country where it is normal that nothing works except overcrowded state apparatus. That wages are paid out of all sorts of dubious funds, and that our youth has no future to which it can look forward to. And after we wonder why the youth is so despondent.

How to find the reason to fight when all the weapons that you use always backfires? How to have hope in the country where it is needed to have connections for the position as a doorman at prestigious institutions? How to fight all the bad traits that Montenegro inherited from communism, and mixed them with even worse achievements of capitalism, and that in this pressure-cooker is trying to cook something that everyone can swallow?

Is the key in the famous word reform? Whether there lies our future? The continuous process of reforms that never end and that are the quasi-solution to all problems. Perhaps it would be better to make one set of laws that will solve the all embarrassing questions by legalizing them and giving them power. Today everything is possible and declaring anarchy the rule of law, and dictatorship democracy. But whether is it possible to differ a human from non-human? It is difficult I swear to God.

"Čovjek kako to gordo zvuči" - Maksim Gorki

Ukoliko bi trebali da komentarišemo nešto smatram da bi to trebali biti crnogorski radnici. 
Kako je davnašnja praksa u našem društvu spriječiti pobunu bespovratnim kredititma i ućutkati gladne davši im mizerne iznose kako se u državi ne bi desio bunt ljudi su ponovo spremni da se prodaju. Odbijam da povjerujem da u hrabroj i ponosnoj Crnoj Gori nije pretekao niti jedan čovjek koji će reći ne, ili sam ja u zabludi. 

Možda kada bi malo bolje zagrebli močvarnu površinu crnogorske javnosti koja nije ustalasana još od davnih dana, vidjet ćemo likove ljudi. Ljudi koje su svi zaboravili. Koji žive na marginama, oni koji su nekada bili proleterska snaga, oni koji su na svojim plećima nosili ekonomiju jedne jake zemlje i koji su radili, ali da li je to tako bilo zbilja. 

Da su ti isti radnici bili zadovoljni platama koje su pokrivale njihove opšte potrebe a sve preko toga je bilo "na kredit" izuzetno povoljno i pristupačno svima. A danas. Danas na kredit imate samo život, koji ćete ostaviti pokušavajući da vratite isti. Danas o rješenju stambenog pitanja možete samo da sanjate ili da ste bili dovoljno pametni pa da ste onu livadu gore na starom katunu prodali Rusima na vrijeme imali bi novca dovoljno za taj stan od 60 kvadrata, ali avaj vi ste više voljeli vašu zemlju i djedovinu koja vam sada tako vraća.

Evo uzmite slučaj rudara Rudnika Boksita -Nikšić. Pripremaju bunt ukoliko im se prava koja ih sleduju po zakonu ne budu ispoštovana. Epilog svi već znamo. Država će se ponovo stisnuti za par plata ili puteva koji neće biti napravljeni i eto i vuk sit i ovce na broju što bi naš narod rekao
Da li je to zemlja kakvu želimo? Zemlja u kojoj je potpuno normalno da ništa ne funkcioniše osim prenapučenog državnog aparata. Da se plate isplaćuju iz kojekakvih sumnjivih fondova i da naša mladež nema budućnost kojoj se može radovati. I posle nas pitaju zašto je omladina tako malodušna.

Kako pronaći razlog za borbu kada svo oružje koje koristiš ti se uvijek obije o glavu? Kako polagati nade u državu gdje je potrebna veza za mjesto vratar u uglednim institucijama? Kako se boriti protiv svih loših osobina koje je Crna Gora naslijedila od komunizma i pomiješala ih sa još gorim tekovinama kapitalizma i koja u tom express loncu pokušava da skuva nešto što svi možemo da progutamo?

Da li je ključ u toj čuvenoj riječi reforma? Da li se tu krije naša budućnost? U konstantnom procesu reformi koje nemaju kraja i koje su kvazi rješenje za sve probleme. Možda bi ipak bilo bolje napraviti jedan set zakona koji će riještit sva neugodna pitanja ozakonivši ih i davši im snagu. Danas je sve moguće i bezvlašće proglasiti vladavinom prava i diktaturu demokratijom. Ali da li je moguće razlikovati čovjek od nečovjeka? Teško Boga mi. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

What's in it for me?

Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia, this year also has given the competition "Young people are the law." Through this competition first, modest financial means to give Novi Kneževac the Youth Club are provided. After many years, the young will officially have a place in our place. After the joy of having the funds enabled the moment has come to implement the idea. And for the implementation volunteers are necessary. An important part of the whole chain. Unfortunately, the link is kind of weak. When I was first asked the question: "What's in it for me?" I admit I was caught and without an answer. And then I asked the same question to myself.

                                                  "What's in it for me?"

To be honest I don’t know. I don’t know, because I live in a capitalist society where the individual and material resources are in the first positions. And what about the other values​​, and what about the society, the community? What about altruistic and affinitive motive? Did that human needs extinct in us, because all of these problems and lack. It appears that we managed to mess up Uncle Darwin and instead of evolution occurs regression. First me, then ten places of none. Then who has its turn. The question is when it will bring change, not to say revolution. In a capitalist society that turns us into robots and greedy, what is the real meaning? How did we manage to let everything go to far. To neglect ourselves, family, friends, the planet earth for the sake of paper to which a man determinated value. When we forget that we are mortal and that one day we'll close our eyes forever? Do we ignore this knowledge because we are afraid of it, and to this flood ourselves with unnecessary material things and forget to pay attention to the sky, shiny sun rays and birds singing at dawn. Neglecting the laughter of family and the countless moments that we spend with friends. Simply disregard life.
Let's not fool ourselves, material resources are important because they allow us to meet the basic needs: food, water, the need for security. Society and young people are in trouble because we no longer guarantee a secure job, and therefore we are not even sure of the roof over our heads, health. Given that these foundations Maslovljevs hierarchy of needs, rather shaken it is clear to me that the further levels of the pyramid can at any moment break down. Striving to meet the basic needs we are neglecting the needs of the higher level: the need to belong, the need for recognition, and the need for self-actualization.
Of course one is slowly becoming frustrated and depressed.
A group of individuals = society.
So instead of an answer to the question I ask a huge array of new questions. I ask myself very often, if change is possible? Or is that an illusion fotomorgana?
"Why is this all happening, is a man solving anything or are just here for balance among the stars?"
Changing the world is too big deal, I could say it is impossible. Change the country - perhaps futile. Change a little place – is it a fight with windmills? However, to provide hope, inspiration, motivation to one person, only one. Is with that a purpose filled?

"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation. "
Nelson Mandela

We constantly hear stories about how in Tito's time it was different. Everything was working, individuals had impact to their environment. I cant’ understand how they failed to convey to us the spirit of fellowship. Let the older generation ask themselves instead of judging. "These kids today do not know how to play a rubber band, they are all day on the street, as is to go to work action ..." Ok, it is likely that many are not familiar with this views of childhood and growing up, but then, who is to blame? We who have not had a chance to get to know all these or those who did not transfer that?
Although the point isn’t and I don’t want to waste time condemning the issue of who is to blame, I want to know how to correct the mistake. So that future generations have a chance for something better.
I do not like when our generation is called  "another lost generation". Why do not baptize as generation which will start the change? Why the doubt about our ability to choose the right path? Why do we kill the inspiration, motivation, desire that it can be different and better. And finally why do we allow them to persuade us to believe it will not be better. Why do we falter and turn into a crowd of zombies. Young and old, we are all eager of better. Although, I'm not quite sure if I know exactly what we mean by better.

"We started almost from nothing, carried with enthusiasm and a desire to fulfill the tasks, which is set before us by the society. We worked methodically, from the first day aware of what we want and what we can do. "

These words are written on one of the boards in the zoo at Palic (Serbia). Hypnotized by the sentence and echoes in my head for hours. Some great things are created because individuals decided to change something out of pure love. Many of these things have survived to the present day, even though the big Yuga fell apart. Let's just think well, we all know something that was created during Yugoslavia. And in case you do not know, ask your parents about the work actions. Just try to get the information what has been built. I understand that the goals aren’t accomplished overnight. Every great work that has been done over the night makes me suspicious. Ask the person that is running how long it took them to get fit to run 5 km. Or better yet, do not ask it, try it yourself.
And we? What will our generation  leave to our grandchildren? What is it that we all will be proud of? And recount some activity so many times, that our children will know by heart and tumble eyes at the opening sentence of the story. What is it that on it thought the bloodstream will run to make the heart skip, and put a smile on our face. What are the memories? I think it's the right time to create them. For us and for our descendants. That's why you should volunteer.

Each word is a subject of change. Not because I'm not consistent, but because I learn, grow and develop.

                              written by:
                      Aleksandra Borzaš (Novi Kneževac, Srbija)

А шта ја имам од тога?

Министарство Омладине и Спорта републике Србије је и ове године дала конкурс „Млади су закон“. Кроз овај конкурс су омогућена прва, скромна финасијска средства да Нови Кнежевац добије Омладински Клуб. После дугog низa година млади ће званично имати своје место у нашем месту. После радости што су средства омогућена дошао је моменат да се идеја реализује. А за реализације су непоходни волонтери. Битан део целог ланца. На жалост, та карика ми је некако слаба. Када ми је први пут постваљено питање: „ А шта ја имам од тога?“ признајем остала сам затечена и без одговора. И онда сам поставила то исто питање себи.

„ А шта ја имам од тога?“

Искрена да будем не знам. Не знам, јер живим у капиталистичком друштву где су појединац и материјална средства на првим позицијама. А шта ћемо са осталим вредностима, а шта ћемо са друштвом, заједницом? Шта ћемо са алтуристичким и афилијативним мотивом? Зар су те људске потребе ишчезле у нама, услед свих ових недаћа и немања. Изгледа да смо успели да зезнемо чика Дарвина и да  уместо еволуције дође до регресије. Прво ја, потом десет места нико, а онда ко дође на ред.  Питање је када ће да дође до промена, да не кажем револуције. У капиталистичком друштву који нас претвара у роботе и то халапљиве, шта је прави смисао? Како смо успели да дозволимо да све оде и предалеко. Да занемаримо себе, породицу, пријатеље, планету земљу зарад папира којем је сам човек одредио вредност. Када заборавимо да смо смртни и да ћемо једном затворити очи заувек? Да ли игноришемо то сазнање јер нас плаши и у том циљу затрпавамо себе непотребним материјалним стварима, а заборављамо да обратимо пажњу на небо, умињате сунчеве зраке и цвркут птица у зору. Занемаримо смех породице, и безбројне моменте које проводимо са пријатељима. Једноставно занемаримо живот.
Да се не заваравамо материјална средства јесу битна јер нам омогућавају задовољење базичних потреба: храна, вода, потреба за сигурношћу. Друштво и млади јесу у проблему јер нам више нико не гарантује сигуран посао, а самим тим нам није сигуран ни кров на главом, сигурност породице, здравље. С обзиром да су ови темељи Маслољеве хијерархије потреба, поприлично уздрмани јасно ми је да ће даљи нивои те пирамиде у сваком моменту да се сруше. Тежећи да задовољимо базичне потребе занемарујемо потребе на вишем ниво: потребе за припадношћу, потреба за уважавањем, и потреба за самоостварењем.
Наравно појединац полако постаје исфрустриран и депресиван.
А група појединаца = друштво.
И тако уместо да дам одговор на питање ја поставим још велики низ нових питања. Запитам се, врло често, да ли је промена могућа? Или је то ипак илузија, фотоморгана?
„Зашто све то дешава, дал човек ишта решава ил смо само ту због равнотеже међу звездама?“
Мењати свет је превелика ствар, могла бих рећи немогућа. Мењати државу – можда узалудан посао. Мењати мало место – да ли је то борба са ветрењачама? Али, пружити наду, инспирацију, мотивацију једној особи, само једној. Да ли је тиме сврха испуњена?

“Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation.”
Nelson Mandela

Константно слушам приче како је у Титово време било другачије. Све је радило, појединци су утицaли на своју околину.Није ми јасно како то да нису успели да пренесу на нас тај дух заједништва. Нека се и старије генерације у питају уместо што нас осуђују. „ Ови данашња деца не знају како је играти ластиш, бити цео дан на улици, као је отићи на радну акцију...“Ок, постоји велика вероватноћа да многи нису упознати са таким видом одрастања и детињства али опет ко је ту крив?Ми који нисмо имали шансу да се упознамо са свим тим или они који нам то нису пренели?
Мада и није поента и не желим да губим време осуђивањем и питањем ко је крив, желим да знам како да исправимо ту грешку. Па да будуће генерације добију шансу за нешто боље.
Не волим када нашу генерацију називају „још једном изгубљеном генереацијом“. Зашто нас не крсте као генереацијом која ће започети промене? Зашто се сумња у нашу способност да одаберемо прави пут? Зашто нам убијају инспирацију, мотивацију, жељу да може бити другачије и боље. И на крају зашто им ми уопште и дозвољавамо да нас убеде да боље бити неће. Зашто посустанемо и претворимо се у масу зомбија. И млади и стари, сви смо жељних бољег. Мада, нисам сасвим сигурна да ли знамо шта тачно подразумевамо под боље.

„Почели смо готово од ничега, ношени ентузијазмон и жељом да испунимо задаке које је друштво пред нас поставило. Радили смо плански, од првог дана свесни шта хоћемо и шта можемо.“

Ово су речи су исписане на једној од табли у Зоо врта на Палићу (Србија). Хипнотисала та реченица и одзвања ми већ сатима у глави. Неке велике ствари и јесу настале јер су појдинци одлучили да мењају нешто из чисте љубави. Многе те ствари су опстале и до дана данашњег и ако се велика Југа рапала. Хајде само размислите добро, сви знамо по нешто што је настало за време Југославије. А у случају да не знате, питајте родитеље о радним акцијама. Само покушајте да извучете информацију шта је све изграђено. Јасно ми је да се до циљева не долази преко ноћи. Сваки велики посао који је ураћен преко ноћи у мени изазива сумњу. Питајте особу која трчи колико јој је времена требало  да стекне кондицију да истрчи 5 км. Или још боље немој те је питати, пробајте сами.
 А ми? Шта ће наша генерација да остави нашим унуцима? Шта је то на шта ћемо сви ми бити поносни? И препричавати неку активност толико пута, да ће је наша деца знати напамет и превртати очима само на уводну реченицу приче. Шта је то што ће нам при самој помисли покренути крвоток, натерати срце да прескочити, а на лицу измамити осмех. Која су то сећања? Мислим да је право време да их стварамо. И за нас и за наше потомке. Ето зашто треба волонтирати.

Свака реч је подложна промени. Не зато што нисам доследна, већ зато што што учим, растем и развијам се.

preuzeto sa:

Aleksandra Borzaš (Novi Kneževac, Srbija)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Night sun

I am Miljan and I am visually impaired.
I started to show interest in acting when I was around eight years old. I imitated the voice of an old man and very successfully I cheated everyone mostly by prank calls. When I was in elementary school my talent was recognized by my language teacher. She enrolled me in the drama department of the school. The next year I took part in various events and I would put emphasis in participating in many school events like the program for the day of the school. Then my sister, my friend and I performed a mini radio drama "The issue of the countryside and agriculture" that I created. In the play, I played the grandfather; one of the oldest residents of Montenegro, my sister played the host of the show, and a friend a radio listener that calls in live and talks to the grandfather. With this drama, we performed in several places, and the public reaction to it was very positive.
A few years ago I was a guest of Kotor Festival. At the roundtable, which was held before the end of the festival I asked the director of Montenegrin national theatre would I be able to play in it. He did not give me a specific answer, but a theater director from Kotor promised that he would open an amateur theater in Podgorica and that he would call me. So it was.
Last year was established amateur theater for the blind "Homer". People from the organization chose the director from Kotor to cooperate with us. He was a great expert and special in many ways. He invited all interested parties to come and show their acting skills and knowledge. The idea was to conduct an audition where participants will be selected, but since very small number of participants applied, all were accepted to take part. I congratulated to the director, saying, "Well done! You are one of the few people who publicly promise and fulfill it! "
He directed the first play in which I participated. It was a documentary type composed entirely of our life stories, events and experiences. In it except us, people who are visually impaired, performed one professional actor and two amateurs from acting school that was opened a couple of years ago by that director. The name of the show was the "Night Sun" and was premiered at the Theatre Festival in Zagreb BIT. Given the fact that this show was the first in which I participated a few days before performing I was already very excited. As the day of the premiere approached excitement grew. However, when the show started it was all gone. I focused on the show and gave my best so that everything can go as planned. It was for me in many ways was a thrilling experience, and the public reaction to the show exceeded the expectations of the entire group. This show was supposed to be presented in Podgorica, but for many reasons it could not be done. Since then, we haven’t done any new projects with the director, because a couple of our members left, and many things that have happened prevented us from continuing our work on projects that could make our theater survive.
In mid-May, four members of the group Homer which stayed to participate in the work of amateur theater were called to take participation on a project. It is an alternative theater. The play was done based on a book called "Blind" by a Belgian Nobel prize winning author Maurice Maeterlinck. Otherwise, it is about a writer whose works have not yet been adapted and performed in theaters in Montenegro. Except for us the show was played by professional actors. All the characters in the play are blind. Before the premiere of this show I felt even more excited, especially I   felt liable because professional actors had to be in a role of a person with visual impairment  based on things that they have learned from me, and mostly how a person with visual impairment deals with certain situations. The credibility of the show mostly depended on how accurately I depicted it so that they can believably play persons with visual impairments.

I am very pleased that the first play performed based on the novel by Nobel Prize winner, in which I had the opportunity to participate was played in my home country of Montenegro. That was one more reason to give my best and do not disappoint relatives and friends, and beside them the rest of the Montenegrin public. I believe that the local public offers sincere support and it means a lot to me because it is a first serious play in which I participated that was played in my country. Working with professional actors to me was a great experience. This project was successfully implemented. For me, the participation in the same is a real treasure, not only for acting, but because the cooperation was on a high level and with some of the participants and organizers I kept in touch. I hope that there will be similar projects in the future, and my big dream is, no matter what college I graduate, to open an amateur theater. 

Picture taken from

Miljan Otašević joker, positivist and eternal optymist.

Noćno sunce

Ja sam Miljan i osoba sam sa oštećenjem vida.
Interesovanje za glumu počeo sam da pokazujem još kao osmogodišnjak. Tada sam imitirao glas starog čovjeka i vrlo uspješno sam varao sve oko sebe. To sam najviše radio telefonskim pozivima. Kada sam bio u osnovnoj školi taj moj talenat je prepoznala profesorica tada Maternjeg jezika. Uključila me je u dramsku sekciju škole. Narednih godina sam učestvovao na raznim priredbama, a izdvojio bih učešće u programu povodom dana škole. Tada smo sestra, moja drugarica i ja izvodili mini radio dramu „Emisija o selu i poljoprivredi“ koju sam ja osmislio. U toj drami ja sam igrao đeda, jednog od najstarijih stanovnika Crne Gore, moja sestra je igrala voditeljku emisije, a drugarica radio slušateljku koja se uključuje u program i razgovara sa đedom. Sa ovom dramom smo nastupali na više mjesta, a reakcije publike na nju su bile veoma pozitivne.
Prije par godina sam bio gost kotorskog festivala. Na okruglom stolu koji je održan pred kraj istog pitao sam direktora CNP-a da li bih ja mogao da glumim u pozorištu. Od njega nijesam dobio konkretan odgovor, ali mi je jedan pozorišni reditelj iz Kotora obećao da će da otvori amatersko pozorište u Podgoricu i da će me pozvati. Tako je bilo.
Prošle godine osnovano je amatersko pozorište za slijepe „Homer“. Ljudi iz organizacije su odabrali baš tog kotorskog reditelja da sarađuje sa nama. On je bio sjajan stručnjak i poseban po mnogo čemu. Tada je pozvao sve zainteresovane da dođu, pokažu svoja glumačka znanja i vještine. Zamisao je bila da to bude audicija gdje će biti odabrani učesnici, ali pošto se prijavio mali broj učesnika svi su primljeni. Ja sam tom reditelju tada čestitao govoreći „Svaka vam čast! Vi ste jedan od rijetkih koji javno obećaju i ispune obećanje“!
On je režirao prvu pozorišnu predstavu u kojoj sam ja učestvovao. Ona je bila dokumentarnog tipa tj. sastavljena isključivo od naših životnih priča, događaja i iskustava. U njoj su osim nas slijepih učestvovali jedan profesionalni glumac i dva amatera iz škole glume koju je pomenuti reditelj prije nekoliko godina otvorio. Naziv te predstave bio je „Noćno sunce“, a premijerno je izvedena na pozorišnom festivalu BIT u Zagrebu. S obzirom na to da je ta predstava bila prva u kojoj sam učestvovao ja sam već nekoliko dana prije izvođenja bio veoma uzbuđen. Kako se približavao dan premijere uzbuđenje je raslo. Međutim, kada je predstava počela to je sve nestalo. Tada sam se maksimalno skoncetrisao na predstavu i dao sve od sebe kako bi sve proteklo kako je bilo planirano. To je za mene po mnogo čemu bilo jedno veličanstveno iskustvo, a reakcije publike na predstavu su premašile očekivanja cijele grupe. Ova predstava je trebala da bude izvedena u Podgorici, ali zbog mnogobrojnih razloga to nije moglo da se realizuje. Od tada sa tim rediteljom nijesmo radili nijednu novu predstavu zbog toga što nas je par članova napustilo, a osim toga izdešavale su se mnoge stvari koje su nas spriječile da dalje radimo na projektima koji bi naše pozorište opstalo.
Sredinom maja su nas četiri člana grupe Homer koji smo ostali da učestvujemo u radu amaterskog pozorišta pozvali da sarađujemo na jednom projektu. Riječ je o alternativnom pozorištu. Predstava je rađena po djelu „Slijepi“ belgijskog nobelovca Morisa Meterlinka. Inače, radi se o piscu čija djela još nijesu prilagođavana i izvođena u pozorištu u Crnoj Gori. Osim nas u predstavi su učestvovali i profesionalni glumci. Svi likovi u predstavi su slijepi. Prije premijernog izvođenja ove predstave osjećao sam još veće uzbuđenje, a naročito odgovornost zbog toga što su profesionalni glumci morali da glume slijepu ulogu na osnovu nekih stvari koje su naučili od mene, a to je najviše bilo vezano za to kako se osoba sa oštećenjem vida snalazi u određenim situacijama. Dakle, od toga koliko vjerno sam im ja to približio je u određenoj mjeri zavisilo koliko vjerodostojno će odglumiti slijepu osobu.
Prezadovoljan sam što je prva predstava rađena po romanu pomenutog nobelovca tj. Uopšte prva predstava rađena po nekom romanu u kojoj sam imao priliku da učestvujem igrana u mojoj domovini Crnoj Gori. To mi je bio razlog više da dam sve od sebe i ne iznevjerim prije svega rodbinu i prijatelje, a pored njih i ostatak crnogorske publike. Smatram da domaća publika pruža najiskreniju podršku i zato mi puno znači to što je prva ozbiljnij a predstava u kojoj sam učestvovao igrana baš u mojoj domovini. Rad sa profesionalnim glumcima je za mene predstavljao jedno veliko iskustvo. Ovaj projekat je uspješno realizovan. Za mene je učešće u istom nebrojivo blago, ne samo zbog glume već zbog toga što je saradnja bila na visokom nivou i što sam sa nekim od učesnika i organizatora ostao u kontaktu. Nadam se da će sličnih projekata biti i u budućnosti, a moj veliki san je, bez obzira koji fakultet završio da otvorim amatersko pozorište.

Slika preuzeta sa

Miljan Otašević šaljivdžija, pozitivac i vječiti optimista.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Student - pillar of society!

Stop passing by the truth, what euphemism, stop lying. Stop LYING!
Stop lying to US!

How many times have you regretted that you entered college? Oh, me so many times. Always and  only because I felt cheated. Deceived before common sense and open eyes, and the art of lies and deceit belie my mind. Torn between the thought to be ashore at Normandy of our bureaucratic system, and I fear that the venture will be dearly paid, I realized that day "D" is not yet come. it seems that I slept over a lot of years, and I woke up in Orwell's 1984

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Tear it without any pity. No individual is a rational being,  an individual is a number, a bar code. It does not matter if you can think if you have no chance for that.  Shape it again with the help of mold silence. Extinguish the spark of flame that is just starting to burn, fear of fire is greater than by Sandor Clegane, which incidentally has the nickname The Hound. I want to fight, but I feel lonely. I'm not going to rush alone at the windmills, there's no point.

I walked through the doors of that institution in 2011. It was cold, although greatly summer in Podgorica showed its strength. The old building, filled with cold and haggard faces eager warmth that could only be sensed, even thought it was there at your fingertips. As the semesters lined up, I realized why all this is so.

They want to run you over, processing and shaping as you were feedstock for the production of dolls, puppets distorted faces. Maybe they do not want to, but they are used  that way. That's how one of them was transformed for someone else’s puppet show. The show still goes on, and every year it’s played again. I wonder how someone can’t get tired of watching it so many times.

Student protests, and my first year. As we swam upstream. Normally I went out into the street. Yelling and singing, it was asked to meet the requirements of youth and as always we got new politicians, a lost day and an empty memory of failure.  After that, until now - a collective silence.

Today I just learned that the August deadline is illegal. Each year, the Senate University makes a decision on the approval of the same. That decision is always transparent and available to everyone. PARADOX. How to legally decide approving an illegal exam period? Rule of law?

To me there is nothing unusual about it,  the fact someone suffers because of that is just eating me away. Provoked by the game of scam. I told a friend that he goes to seek help at the administration. Their hands are tied when they have to defend the rights of the students. Thank you!

Cut down to the roots!
The author of this paper protested in high school. Just one day. Dropped so he could have something to eat the next day (urge beyond everything). Yes, my mother works at the school, and could happen that she doesn’t  work there because her son is trying to use his brain. Well, I'm a coward, you would certainly do differently.

Big Brother is watching!
Imagine our country just as the house of Big Brother. A "puppet master" who sees everything and pulls all strings.Now that you imagined it all, open your eyes and see that there is no difference. If you think this is not so - Obey your master!

Behind the window restless sleep,
I feel their shadows,
Watch them dance trough the walls...

Thank you for all the hatred and bitterness that you have caused me. Thank you for my every nervous day, for my every spoken curse. Thank you for attempting to steal my dreams. Thank you for locked mouth. Thank you for tied hands. Thank you for illegal legality.
Thank you, but I’ll never be like you!

Student - stub društva!

Prestanite zaobilaziti istinu, ma kakav eufemizam, prestanite lagati. Prestanite LAGATI! Prestanite lagati NAS!

Koliko puta ste se pokajali što ste upisali fakultet? Oh, ja nebrojeno puta. Uvijek i isključivo zbog toga što sam se osjetio prevarenim. Obmanut pred zdravim razumom i otvorenim očima, dok je umjetnost laži i prevare kosila moj razum.  Rastrzan između pomisli, da se iskrcam na Normandiju našeg birokratskog sistema, i straha da cu taj poduhvat skupo platiti, shvatao sam da dan “D” ipak još uvijek nije došao. Izgleda da sam prespavao mnogo godina, i probudio se u Orvelovoj 1984-oj.

"Moć je pokidati čovjekov um u komade i onda ga sastaviti ponovo u novom obliku koji si ti odabrao.", Džordž Orvel, 1984.

Kidaju ga bez imalo sažaljenja. Nije jedinka razumno bice, jedinka je broj, bar-kod. Nije ni bitno moze li da razmišlja kad za to nece imati šansu. Oblikuju ga ponovo uz pomoć kalupa ćutnje. Gase iskru plamena koji tek počinje da gori, strah od vatre je veći nego kod Sandora Klegejna, koji sasvim slučajno ima nadimak Pseto. Želim da se borim, ali se osjećam usamljeno. Neću da sam jurišam na vjetrenjače, nema svrhe.

Prošao sam kroz vrata te ustanove 2011. godine. Sve je bilo hladno, iako je uveliko ljeto u Podgorici pokazivalo svoju snagu. Stara zgrada, ispunjena hladnim i ispijenim licima željnim topline koja se samo naslutiti mogla, iako je bila tu na dohvatu ruke. Kako su se ređali semestri shvatao sam i zbog čega je sve to tako.

Hoće da vas pregaze, prerade i oblikuju kao da ste sirovina za proizvodnju lutaka, lutaka iskrivljenih lica. Možda oni ne žele to, ali navikli su tako. Tako je neko njih preoblikovao za svoju lutkarsku predstavu. Predstava traje i dalje, i svake godine se igra ponovo. Pitam se kako nekome ne dosadi da je gleda toliko puta.

Studentski protesti, te moje prve godine. Kao da smo zaplivali uzvodno. Normalno da sam izašao na ulicu. Galamilo se i pjevalo, tražilo se ispunjenje zahtjeva mladosti, a dobili smo kao i uvijek nove političare, izgubljen dan i prazno sjećanje na neuspjeh. Nakon toga, pa do sad - kolektivna ćutnja.

Danas sam upravo saznao da je avgustovski rok nelegalan. Svake godine Senat univerziteta donosi odluku o odobravanju istog. Uvijek je ta odluka transparentna i dostupna svima. PARADOKS. Kako na legalan način mogu donijeti odluku o odobravanju nelegalnog ispitnog roka?  Pravna država?

Nije meni tu ništa neobično, samo me izjeda činjenica da neko zbog toga ispašta. Isprovociran sam tom igrom prevara. Rekao sam prijatelju da ode tražiti pomoć kod uprave.  Ruke su im vezane kad treba braniti prava studenta. Hvala im!

Sasječen u korijenu!
Protestovao je autor ovog teksta i u srednjoj školi. Jedan jedini dan. Odustao kako bi imao sledećeg dana nešto da pojede (nagon ispred svega). Da, majka mi radi u školi, a moglo se desiti da ne radi zbog toga što joj je sin pokusao upotrijebiti mozak. Dobro, ja sam kukavica, vi biste sigurno drugačije uradili.

Veliki brat te gleda!
Zamislite našu državu baš kao tu kuću Velikog brata. Jedan “gospodar lutaka” koji sve vidi i vuče sve konce. Sada kad ste sve to zamislili, otvorite oči i vidite da nema razlike. Ako mislite da nije tako - Obey your master!

Iza prozora nemirnog sna,
Osjećam njihove sjene,
Gledam kako kroz zidove plešu...

Hvala vam za svu mržnju i gorčinu koju ste u meni izazvali. Hvala vam za svaki moj nervozan dan i za svaku moju izgovorenu psovku. Hvala vam za pokušaj krađe mojih snova. Hvala vam za zapušena usta. Hvala vam za vezane ruke. Hvala vam za nelegalnu legalnost.
Hvala vam sto nikad neću biti kao VI!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Giving up

I never had any desire to write a blog, to play the hero. But now things I only dreamed about are happening to me. Dreaming and regretting that I’m not one of them.
Life does not play fair, it taught me that much this far. I had it all when he decided to change the pace and the rules of the game.  It pulled the ground under my feet ... I went like Wile E. Coyote when the Road Runner bird fools him, and he does not understand at that time that it is the end of the road, so he is hovering in the air and the edges are a meter away... But that's life... The water currents change, you either learn how to swim or you drown. 

However, there is a trick, life gives you an incredible gift. The choice is only yours! You choose to stay in a cramped corner of the room. You choose whether you whine and moan. You choose every day, every move, you determine your future. And as soon as possible you see it and stop doubting yourself, the better. Do yourself a favor and hush the demons inside you say it is not feasible. Do yourself a favor and do not listen to people who are afraid of change, and that's why they criticize. Listen to yourself, your heart ... What is it that moves the world, and currently is not attainable? Go on, dare to, split up. I know you know what it is. Now the time has come to admit it to yourself.
But remember, dreams do not come true so easily. A lot of work, effort, time, to suffera lot of downs and bad excuses is needed. As your own, as other people. I remember two years ago I had them as well. There were a lot of good excuses in shortage of financial resources, because I am an employee, I do not have an association through which I can participate in the realization of my own dreams. And basically all it was just fear. Fear of the new, fear of the unknown. I did not have anyone to whisper the secret of the success of the fight against the darkness called fear .. It's simple, just step into the darkness and unbelievable but fear will run away like a scared squirrel ... And so every day, move the border ... dreaming and start thinking, opportunity will come and it is on you to grab it. Every time challenge yourself, from which your legs will froze in fear ... That is the only way forward ... Now I still have no money, and still have obligations to the company, but I have the support, a mentor to help me focus and .
Maybe I'm just a crazy intoxicated with the current success and the feeling that you’re accepted and supported, but it feels good. After a few years of constant falling, I started to fight, for myself, for my future  for earning potential, pushing the limits .. Who knows what will it all bring me, good or bad .. But then again, some things I’ll  "think about tomorrow ".

I want to say, show and prove that dreams are achievable. That after the fall you shouldn’t give up, but stand up and wipe away the dust from bloody knees and move on. No stopping, no turning back. Because no person shall afford themselves to stop. Giving up is a luxury that is not acceptable, ever, to anyone! Continuous operation must make results, and which ones only depends on you. Would you be satisfied with the results and this also depends on you. The question is whether you'll be able 20 years from now to forgive yourself. Are you going to look in the mirror and say, at least you tried? Or are you going to pass a familiar face with some wrinkles and a look of disappointment? Can you afford yourself to disappoint the future you because the present you has no courage? 

Aleksandra Borzaš (Novi Kneževac, Serbia)


Нисам никада имала жељу да пишем блог, да глумим хероја.. Међутим, тренутно ми се дешавају ствари о којима сам само сањала. Сањала и жалила што нисам део тoга.
Живот не игра фер, то ме је досада научио. Имала сам све када је он одлучио да мења и темпо и правила игре. Извукао ми је тло под ногам... Прошла сам попут Пере Којота када га насанка Птица Тркачица и он не схвати на време да је крај пута, па лебди у ваздуhу а ивица је на метар од њега... Али то је живот... Водене струје се мењају или научиш да пливаш или се удавиш.

Међутим, ту је и трик, живот ти даје један невероватан поклон.  Само је на теби избор! Ти бираш да останеш скучен у углу собе. Ти бираш да ли ћеш кукати и јадиковати. Ти бираш сваки дан, сваким потезом одређујеш своју будућност. И што пре то увидиш и престанеш да сумњаш у себе, тиме боље. Учини себи услугу и ућуткај те демоне у себи што кажу да није изводљиво. Учини себи услугу и немој да слушаш људе који се боје промене, па због тога и тебе криткују. Послушај себе, своје срце... Шта је то што ти помера свет, а тренутно је недостижно? Хајде, усуди се, разисли. Знам да знаш шта је то. Сада је дошао момента да самом себи признаш.
Али запамти, снови се не остварују тако лако. Треба пуно труда, рада, времен, треба претрпети пуно падова и лоших изговора. Што туђих, што својих. Сећам се, пре две године сам их имала и ја..Било је пуно добрих изговора од мањак финасијских средстава, због тога што сам запослено лице, што немам удружење преко којег бих учествовала у остварење сопствених снова. А у суштини све је то био само страх. Страх од новог, страх од не познатог. Нисам имала никога да ми шапне тајну успеха борбе против таме зване страх.. Просто је, само закорачи у ту таму и невероватно али ће страх побећи попут поплашене веверице... И тако сваки дан, померај границе... сањај и смишљај, прилика ће се указати а  на теби је да је уграбиш. Сваки пут постави себи изазов, од којег ће ти се него следити од страха... То је једин пут напретка...Сада и даљe немам пара, и даље имам обавеза према предузећу, али имам подршку, има ментора да ме усмери  и помогне.
Можда сам само луда опијена тренутним успехом и осећајем да те прихватају и подржавају, али прија. После пар година константног падања почела сам да се борим, за себе, за своју будућноост, за остваривање потенцијал, померање граница.. Ко зна шта ће ми све то донети, добро или лоше.. Али опет, о неким стварима ћу „мислити сутра“.

Желим да кажем, покажем и докажем да су снови оствариви. Да после пада не треба одустати, него устати обрисати прашину са крвавих колена и наставити даље. Нема стајања, нема одустајања. Јер ниједна особа не треба себи да дозволи да стане.  Одустајање је луксуз који није прихватљив, никада, никоме! Константан рад мора донети резулатеа, каkве то само зависи од тебе. Да ли ћеш бити задовољан резулатитам и то опет зависи само од тебе. 
Питање је да ли ћеш моћи себи за 20 година да опростиш? Да ли ћеш се погледати у огледало и рећи: ти си барем покушао? Или ћеш у пролазу угледати познато лице са по којом бором и погледом пуним разочарења? Да ли можеш сам себе да приуштиш да будућег себе разочараш јер сада немаш петље?

Aleksandra Borzaš (Novi Kneževac , Srbija)

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Lost in search

You've all heard, you had to hear it. Even if you do not watch TV or read the newspapers that your neighbor regularly browses with morning coffee, though you had to hear it. Everything buzzed about it for days, about the missing girl!
Days passed, old newspapers piled up at the same neighbor, and the TV program has followed its scheme, but still there was no progress in the search for her. As usual we counted days, the planet Earth, and we in it. Some usual day out of the sea of the same ones, I’d look or read, the breaking news, to find out what happened to her, but was left without the turn of events. And I thought about it ... Well actually I didn’t, I'm lying, because after all we all have our own demons with which we must deal. You might think I'm a bad person because of this. No worries!
Her lifeless body was found, the lifeless body of the child. I rub my eyes in disbelief, yet somehow I realize that it was an inevitable sequence of events. All that, wakes me from some kind of sleep and suddenly makes me restless. So many thoughts chaotically circling through my head like a moth that rushes toward the light source. I started up from sleep mode, I’m thinking.
What developments! My consciousness is not able to accept such an epilogue. It's like watching "True Detective" and not a regular news broadcast. You will say that the perpetrator was mentally ill- you will give him amnesty with it. No, the last what he could be is a vagarious person. He's an evil seed of death that began its development. Man do not allow to develop into a black flower, mow it while you still have time.
Anger is the ruler of our hearts. Before our eyes looms a dark curtain of hatred towards the one who took one youth in this world. The worst is when the animal is awoken in man. You do not want to identify yourself with a cold-blooded killer. No, we do not need to think how to punish him. Let it be done by those who are responsible for the condemnation and punishment. Still we do not stay mute and useless after all! The real battle yet awaits us, each one of us. Rest in peace!
Whoever thinks this murder is an isolated event, I would call them irresponsible and reckless. This act is only a confirmation of a deep crisis of morality and consciousness in which we are, and from which we need to pull out, or break away from it. How?
How to change the social consciousness? What to do in order to save our lives from the evil that surrounds us? (Rhetorical question)

We need a radical change of the condition in which the society is as a whole. Yet it is not easy to change the system. It doesn’t go overnight. Every individual should be changed, every free ME, so we could even think about the general changes in the community. And everyone must agree to first change themselves in order to continue to provide assistance in achieving a higher purpose. Everything actually depends only on us and on our approach to life. It depends on how we treat the world around us.
We live in a strange time, in the time of storm. I assume that there was no generation that felt different, but it seems to me, never has a man been so close and similar to that "monkey" as they are today. I'd rather have that monkey called hyena ... And a drama is played on the stage of society. Hopefully it will not turn into a tragedy as it is in the case of the sad girl.


I wanted to tell you with this text, dear reader, how the spears about your and my world break, in about our lives. I wanted to tell you to continue, or if you have not already to start to fight for yourself and your peace, because only when we all find peace in ourselves, the peace will be created around us.