Monday, September 8, 2014

What's in it for me?

Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia, this year also has given the competition "Young people are the law." Through this competition first, modest financial means to give Novi Kneževac the Youth Club are provided. After many years, the young will officially have a place in our place. After the joy of having the funds enabled the moment has come to implement the idea. And for the implementation volunteers are necessary. An important part of the whole chain. Unfortunately, the link is kind of weak. When I was first asked the question: "What's in it for me?" I admit I was caught and without an answer. And then I asked the same question to myself.

                                                  "What's in it for me?"

To be honest I don’t know. I don’t know, because I live in a capitalist society where the individual and material resources are in the first positions. And what about the other values​​, and what about the society, the community? What about altruistic and affinitive motive? Did that human needs extinct in us, because all of these problems and lack. It appears that we managed to mess up Uncle Darwin and instead of evolution occurs regression. First me, then ten places of none. Then who has its turn. The question is when it will bring change, not to say revolution. In a capitalist society that turns us into robots and greedy, what is the real meaning? How did we manage to let everything go to far. To neglect ourselves, family, friends, the planet earth for the sake of paper to which a man determinated value. When we forget that we are mortal and that one day we'll close our eyes forever? Do we ignore this knowledge because we are afraid of it, and to this flood ourselves with unnecessary material things and forget to pay attention to the sky, shiny sun rays and birds singing at dawn. Neglecting the laughter of family and the countless moments that we spend with friends. Simply disregard life.
Let's not fool ourselves, material resources are important because they allow us to meet the basic needs: food, water, the need for security. Society and young people are in trouble because we no longer guarantee a secure job, and therefore we are not even sure of the roof over our heads, health. Given that these foundations Maslovljevs hierarchy of needs, rather shaken it is clear to me that the further levels of the pyramid can at any moment break down. Striving to meet the basic needs we are neglecting the needs of the higher level: the need to belong, the need for recognition, and the need for self-actualization.
Of course one is slowly becoming frustrated and depressed.
A group of individuals = society.
So instead of an answer to the question I ask a huge array of new questions. I ask myself very often, if change is possible? Or is that an illusion fotomorgana?
"Why is this all happening, is a man solving anything or are just here for balance among the stars?"
Changing the world is too big deal, I could say it is impossible. Change the country - perhaps futile. Change a little place – is it a fight with windmills? However, to provide hope, inspiration, motivation to one person, only one. Is with that a purpose filled?

"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation. "
Nelson Mandela

We constantly hear stories about how in Tito's time it was different. Everything was working, individuals had impact to their environment. I cant’ understand how they failed to convey to us the spirit of fellowship. Let the older generation ask themselves instead of judging. "These kids today do not know how to play a rubber band, they are all day on the street, as is to go to work action ..." Ok, it is likely that many are not familiar with this views of childhood and growing up, but then, who is to blame? We who have not had a chance to get to know all these or those who did not transfer that?
Although the point isn’t and I don’t want to waste time condemning the issue of who is to blame, I want to know how to correct the mistake. So that future generations have a chance for something better.
I do not like when our generation is called  "another lost generation". Why do not baptize as generation which will start the change? Why the doubt about our ability to choose the right path? Why do we kill the inspiration, motivation, desire that it can be different and better. And finally why do we allow them to persuade us to believe it will not be better. Why do we falter and turn into a crowd of zombies. Young and old, we are all eager of better. Although, I'm not quite sure if I know exactly what we mean by better.

"We started almost from nothing, carried with enthusiasm and a desire to fulfill the tasks, which is set before us by the society. We worked methodically, from the first day aware of what we want and what we can do. "

These words are written on one of the boards in the zoo at Palic (Serbia). Hypnotized by the sentence and echoes in my head for hours. Some great things are created because individuals decided to change something out of pure love. Many of these things have survived to the present day, even though the big Yuga fell apart. Let's just think well, we all know something that was created during Yugoslavia. And in case you do not know, ask your parents about the work actions. Just try to get the information what has been built. I understand that the goals aren’t accomplished overnight. Every great work that has been done over the night makes me suspicious. Ask the person that is running how long it took them to get fit to run 5 km. Or better yet, do not ask it, try it yourself.
And we? What will our generation  leave to our grandchildren? What is it that we all will be proud of? And recount some activity so many times, that our children will know by heart and tumble eyes at the opening sentence of the story. What is it that on it thought the bloodstream will run to make the heart skip, and put a smile on our face. What are the memories? I think it's the right time to create them. For us and for our descendants. That's why you should volunteer.

Each word is a subject of change. Not because I'm not consistent, but because I learn, grow and develop.

                              written by:
                      Aleksandra Borzaš (Novi Kneževac, Srbija)

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