Sunday, July 27, 2014

By nationality I like when you're a man. A good man!

In Podgorica, these days, in the framework of the event "Podgorica Cultural Summer" was held the first stand-up comedy festival "Instatnt Ex YU." For all those who do not know, stand-up comedy is a form of drama performances which is characterized by direct contact with the audience. What is also typical of stand-up comedy is that comedians themselves devise, directed and say the lines. It is usually performed in clubs, theaters and different festivals.
Since "Podgorica Cultural Summer" is announced as an event, which I quote, "provides pleasant spiritual moments" accidentally I decided to spiritually enrich myself and visit the festival. Site of event - Castle Petrovic in Krusevac. At the beginning everything looked promising, so, even exciting. Attendance by the Podgorica audience at an enviable level, there were no vacancies. Because, as the old saying goes, "If its free and God is pleased," so it seems that in these times when money lacks we rush towards everything that is free and at hand. What was particularly interesting is that the audience was mostly made of young people. Yes, it seems that they shortly logged out of their facebook and twitter profile and decided to, as I did, spiritually enrich their life. The first festival evening performances were comedians from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatian. Motley crew, once again looked promising, but...
After a few spoken sentences, in which the majority of the audience reacted with laughter, I wasnt giving any reaction. I thought - okay, maybe I did not get what's the deal. Joke after joke continues, the audience now with a smile treated comedians with applause. I still do not react. More specifically I reacted to, but instead of laughter I feel uneasy. "Transfer of shame", as we young people today call that discomfort, has expanded to me. I get it that there is nothing comical to me in "jokes" who is who and who is what in the Balkans, as well as various sexist "jokes". But I notice that the others found it very, very funny. I guess it's the "healthy" humor that appeals to the body. Because of the huge amounts of that "transfer of shame" I left that first night of the festival before the end and remained culturally not spiritualized.
The following night, I went again to the cultural uplift. But the same target and the same distance. With that, next to the jokes from yesterday, this evening sexist quips were far ahead. Why women are poorer than men in traffic? Why dont they perform the same job in the same way as men? Why women are more complicated than men are just some of the questions to which stand-up comedians gave "comical" answers, thus showing clear position of women in these areas. And the audience? Audience laughs and applauds as much as possible. And that night, I went early and was left without spiritualized feeling.
I tried to understand what in these "jokes" was really comical. Do we really need such humor after the events that took place at the end of last century? Humor in which we elevate ourselves and our own, and everybody else’s is smirked upon and exposed to ridicule. Do we really, as a society, which is located in the transitional period, the society rushing towards "democratization and Europeanization" (as many non-governmental organizations have named it) ready to forget all the divisions and draw a lesson from it? And most importantly, will our stereotypes, sexism, nationalism and prejudice in the "healthy humor" get rid of all those divisions to Serbs, Montenegrins, Muslims, Croats, Gypsies, Chetniks, the Ustasha, women and gay?

One evening I was walking through Podgorica. At the Roman Square behind the building Vektra a group of boys, no older than ten to twelve years, yelled from the top of their lungs, "Kill, kill, kill, kill Gypsies". I turned around and look that the "outcry" intended for a boy their age, Roma child, which was passing by. I get it we would have to change, among other things, the meaning of "healthy humor" if we plan for our summers and all other seasons in Podgorica, to provide truly" enjoyable spiritual moments."

Po nacionalnosti najviše volim kad si čovjek. Dobar čovjek!

U Podgorici je ovih dana, u okviru manifestacije „Podgoričko kulturno ljeto“, održan prvi Festival stand-up komedije „Instatnt Ex Yu“. Za sve one koji/e ne znaju, stand-up komedija je jedan vid dramskog nastupa kojeg karakteriše direktan kontakt sa publikom. Ono što je takođe karakteristično za stand-up komediju je i to da komičari sami smišljaju, režiraju i govore tekst. Obično se izvodi po klubovima, pozorištima ili na različiim festivalima.
Pošto se „Podgoričko kulturno ljeto“ najavljuje kao manifestacija koja, citiram: „pruža ugodne duhovne trenutke“ sasvim slučajno odlučih da se duhovno obogatim i posjetim festival. Mjesto dešavanja - Dvorac Petrovića na Kruševcu. Na početku je sve izgledalo obećavajuće, onako, čak i  uzbudljivo. Posjećenost od strane podgoričke publike na zavidnom nivou, slobodnih mjesta nije bilo. Jer, kao što ona stara izreka kaže „što je džabe i bogu je drago“ pa tako izgleda da u vrijeme ove besparice hrlimo na sve što nam je džabe i nadohvat ruke. Ono što mi je posebno bilo interesantno, je to da je u publici bilo većinom mladih ljudi. Da, izgleda da su se na kratko svi izlogovali sa svojih facebook i twitter profila i odlučili se da se, kao i ja, duhovno obogate. Prve festivalske večeri nastupali su komičari iz Srbije, BiH i Hrvatske. Šarenolika ekipa, još jednom je izgledala obećavajuće, ali...
Poslije nekoliko izgovorenih rečenica, na koje je publika većinom reagovala smijehom, ja nijesam davao nikakvu reakciju. Pomislih – u redu, možda nisam skapirao u čemu je štos. Šala za šalom nastavi da se niže, publika sada već uz osmijeh komičare čašćava i aplauzom. Ja i dalje ne reagujem. Tačnije reagujem, ali umjesto smijeha osjećam nelagodu. „Transfer blama“, kako mi mladi danas tu nelagodu nazivamo, proširio se na mene. Kapiram da mi u „vicevima“ ko je ko i ko je kakav na Balkanu, kao i raznim seksističkim „dosjetkama“ nema ničeg komičnog. Ali, primjećujem da je ostalima bilo jako, jako smiješno. Valjda je to taj „zdravi“ humor koji prija organizmu. Zbog ogromne količine onog „transfera blama“ otišao sam sa prve večeri festivala prije samog kraja i ostao kulturno neproduhovljen.
Sledeće noći, opet odoh da se kulturno vozdignem. Ali, ista meta i isto rastojanje. S tim, što pored jučerašnjih šala, ove večeri su prednjačile seksističe dosjetke. Zašto su žene lošije u saobraćaju od muškaraca? Zašto isti posao ne obavljaju na isti način kao i muškarci? Zašto su žene komplikovanije od muškaraca samo su neka od pitanja na koja su stand-up komičari davali „komične“ odgovore i time pokazivali jasam položaj žene na ovim prostorima. A publika? Publika se smije i aplaudira koliko god može. I te noći sam otišao ranije i ostao neproduhovljen.
Trudio sam se da razumijem šta je u tim „šalama“ zaista bilo komično. Da li nam poslije svih dešavanja s kraja prošlog vijeka treba takav humor? Humor u kojem uzdižemo sebe i svoje, a sve ostalo, tuđe i drugo gledamo sa podsmijehom i izvrgavamo ruglu. Da li smo zaista, kao društvo koje se nalazi u tranzicionom periodu, društvo koje hrli „demokratizaciji i evropeizaciji“ (kako bi mnoge nevladine organizacije nazvale) spremni da zaboravimo sve te podjele i iz toga izvučemo neku pouku? I što je najvažnije, da li će nas stereotipi, seksizam, nacionalizam i predrasude u tom „zdravom humoru“ riješiti svih onih podjela na Srbe, Crnogorce, Muslimane, Hrvate, Cigane, četnike,  ustaše, žene i pedre?

Jedne večeri sam šetao Podgoricom. Na Rimskom Trgu iza zgrade Vektre grupa dječaka, ne starija od deset, dvanaest godina, iz petnih žila se drala: „Ubi, ubi, ubi, ubi Cigana!“. Okrenem se i pogledam da je taj „usklik“ namijenjem njihovom vršnjaku, Romu, koju je tuda prolazio. Kapiram da ćemo morati da, između ostalog, mijenjamo i smisao za „zdravim humor“ ako planiramo da nam ljeta, a i sva ostala godišnja doba u Podgorici, pružaju zaista „ugodne duhovne trnutke“.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Who guards them?

Summer in Podgorica. How long have we waited for the Sun to shine upon out capital after long months of winter rain. To breadth in some sultry summer air that smells of hot asphalt and  burning grass and trees from some of the surrounding hills or Ćemovsko field, but this year was different. Arriving in Podgorica after a brief excursion abroad, what I encountered arriving home was the smell of moisture in the air and some melancholy. As if the air itself regrets that it’s not warmer, and that it could not provide us with enough sun to save our tourist season, but instead it began to rain. And so in the midst of a very unusual summer for Podgorica they arrived. Conceived as guardians, those who watch over us, with shining eyes and an unbeatable attitude, I have to correct myself, when in contact with us everything is breakable, so their attitude was obviously unsatisfactory. Maybe we do not need and guardians. Who knows?
Anyway, 7 Transformers sculptures are set in the center of Podgorica with its heavy bodies, which seem like transferred from the big screen and onto our streets to rule them. It's nice to see confused faces of people who are unconsciously smiling and looking at giants that rise above mere mortals like ancient statues in temples, giving the city a note of modernity and uniqueness.
Last Transformer was placed today on the main square. At the point where everything intersects, the square from which everything begins, where people meet, and part where we witness the changes and celebrations ... and they are there to remind us to, beautify our city and put a smile to our children faces. After a decade and a half that’s behind us, in which flourished construction and occupation of each green space that exists in Podgorica, subtraction of parking space for the construction of another building that will meet the needs of the growing population of Podgorica. Now that finally guards have emerged, we do not need them.
Yes they were late. They should have been placed at the time when concrete Podgorica replaced green Podgorica, but then the artist was still too young. Instead they depict ecological consciousness of an  ECOLOGICAL STATE, made ​​from recycled parts of vintage cars, trucks, etc. ... in fact they are the targets for attacks of local vandals. How else can we name people who are able to knock down Transformer that weights a tone, chop off his head and walk away calmly like nothing happened. I still do not understand why people are so evil, what drives them to destroy what they have not created themselves, and certainly in the company of his friends he must be praised as great hero because it takes courage, but not the kind they think they showed. You needed the courage to show our true colors. You needed the courage to touch something that is finally so unlike Podgorica, that stands out like all those interesting places that we  admire in big cities, but not ours. You needed the courage to prove that  Podgorica lacks in cosmopolitan attitude, and that in our city there is no room for new, fresh and progressive. You needed the courage to put a stamp on our society that marks us as a society of limited capabilities.

I guess it is so.

How is it possible that we as citizens are not affected by such rudeness? Has Podgorica grown into such a city in which everything has to be judged and condemned? How should the other artists who would like their artwork to adorn Podgorica understand this? While millions of thoughts and questions run trough my head, the only consolation is that Transformers will soon start to visit other countries in the Balkans where they will, I sincerely hope, find more understanding and respect, to teach us that we must respect the work of our artists in order to be respected by others. In the end, I just need to say – Congratulations to the artist!

         pictures taken from

Ko njih čuva?

Podgoričko ljeto. Koliko smo dugo očekivali da nakon kišne zime Sunce ogrije i naš glavni grad. Da  udahnemo malo sparnog ljetnjeg vazduha koji uporno miriše na pregoreli asfalt i paljevinu nekog od okolnih brda ili Ćemovskog polja, ali ove godine je drugačija. Stigavši u Podgoricu posle kraćeg bivstvovanja van naše lijepe zemlje zapahnuo me je miris vlage i neke sjete. Kao da i sam vazduh žali što nije toplije, što nije mogao da nam obezbijedi dovoljno Sunca kako nam ne bi propala turistička sezona, ali umjesto toga počelo je kišiti. I tako usred jednog sasvim neobičnog podgoričkog ljeta stigli su i oni. Zamišljeni kao čuvari, oni koji bdiju nad nama, sa sjajnim očima i nesalomivim stavom, tj. da se ispravim u dodiru sa nama sve je salomivo tako da je i njihov stav očigledno bio nezadovoljavajući. Možda nama i ne trebaju čuvari. Ko zna?
Elem, 7 skulptura Transformersa je postavljeno u centru Podgorice sa svojim tonama teškim tijelima koji izgledaju kao da su se preselili sa velikog platna na naše ulice i zavladali njima. Lijepo je vidjeti zbunjena lica ljudi koja se nesvijesno smiješe gledajući te gorostase koji se izdižu nad običnim smrtnicima kao antičke statue u hramovima, dajući gradu potrebnu notu modernosti i jedinstvenosti.
Poslednji transformers je postavljen danas na glavnom gradskom trgu. Na mjestu gdje se sve ukršta, trgu sa kojega sve počinje, gdje se ljudi sastaju, rastaju gdje se svjedoči promjenama i proslavama..., a oni su tu da nas podsjete, da nam uljepšaju grad i nasmiju našu djecu. Nakon decenije i po koja je za nama u kojoj je cvetala gradnja i zauzimanje svake zelene površine koja postoji u Podgorici, oduzimanje parking prostora za potrebe izgradnje još jedne zgrade koja će zadovoljiti potrebe narastajućeg stanovništva Podgorice. Sada kada su se napokon pojavili čuvari mi ih ne trebamo.
Da kasnili su. Trebali su da budu postavljeni u vrijeme kada je od zelene Podgorice izgrađena betonska Podgorica, ali je umjetnik tada bio još uvijek previše mlad. Umjesto da oni oslikaju ekološku svijest EKOLOŠKE DRŽAVE, napravljeni od recikliranih djelova starih automobila, kamiona itd... oni u stvari predstavljaju metu napada gradskih vandal. Kako drugačije nazvati ljude koji su u stanju oboriti tonu teškog Transformers, odrubit mu glavu i odšetati mirno kao da se ništa nije desilo. Još uvijek mi nije jasno zašto u ljudima postoji toliko zlobe koja ih tjera da unište ono što nisu sami stvorili i da se zasigurno u drštvu svojih drugara hvale kao veliki junaci jer je za to trebala hrabrost, ali ne ona koju oni misle da su pokazali. Trebalo je imati hrabrosti i pokazati naše pravo lice. Trebalo je imati hrabrosti dodirnuti nešto što je napokon toliko neslično Podgorici da odskače kao sva ona interesantna mjesta kojima se divimo u velikim gradovima, ali ne i u našem. Trebalo je imati hrabrosti i dokazati da Podgorici hvali kosmopolitski stav i da u našem gradu nema mjesta za novo, sveže i progresivno. Trebalo je imati hrabrosti i staviti pečat na naše društvo koji nas obilježava kao društvo ograničenih sposobnosti.

Valjda jeste tako.

Zar nas kao građane ne pogađa takva nekultura? Zar je Podgorica izrasla u takav grad u kom se svemu drugačijem mora suditi , presuditi i  na kraju ga osuditi? Kako ovu poruku da shvate ostali umjetnici koji bi voljeli da njihova umjetnička djela ukrašavaju Podgoricu? Dok se million misli i pitanja kovitla glavom, jedina utjeha je što će uskoro Transformersi krenuti u obilazak ostalih država Balkana gdje će, iskreno se nadam, naići na više razumijevanja i poštovanja, i valjda će nas to naučiti da poštujemo naše umjetnike kako bi ih i drugi poštovali. Za kraj samo treba reći - Svaka čast umjetniku!

                                                                                                                       pictures taken from

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The right path

Looking at one side of the world we forget everything else that is happening around us, we are stable in our pursuit to become like them. Perhaps we can never achieve it, but we hope they will at least allow us to socialize with them. It’s them, that embody the ideals of modern civilization and mankind, there where is no violation of human rights, freedom of speech is inviolable, human dignity is above all.
Why should there be any doubt, why the voices of disgruntled would be heard, our officials know to which ‘empire to bow’. Russia is a country that does not respect international agreements, constantly trying to split neighboring Ukraine. Of course the Russians have no business there; the identity and history of Ukraine are not of such importance since Kiev is on the way to Europe. Even though they headed that road with carts full of problems they know that redemption will be waiting there.
According to all of the above the Government's decision to join the sanctions to the Russian Federation is completely understandable, as we show our devotion to democratic and above all principles of humanity. Honestly, except ideal there is a bit of opportunism, but only indications. Everyone enjoys praise, not to mention the ones that come from our friends in the European Union and transatlantic ones.  After the sanctions we are one step closer to the European family of nations, at least our rulers think so. Implement the reform of the legal system, to prevent the influence of organized crime in politics are some of the requirements of the European Union, but they are not as easily accomplishable. So we should start from simple things, boldly and confidently say to Russia, “because of your shady business in Ukraine we bring you sanctions.”On top of everything Montenegro respects international law and one’s inalienable territory; it has been shown in the year 2008 in the case of Kosovo.
In this case, the parties have put to side economic interests, shared past, and forgotten the words of Montenegrin prince –bishops, the Golgotha of Montenegrin communists. It is needed to make the cut sooner or later, get rid of the burden that is holding you back in achieving the objectives. Undeniably, today Montenegro has two objectives that cannot be questioned, membership in the European Union and NATO. Because of this the power holder must have free hands, they have the right to make mistakes because those are the mistakes made ​​in good faith. Evil tongues will say that there is no difference between the relations between Montenegro and the EU on the one hand, and relations with the former colonial metropolis on the other, they do not realize that it is not a shame to learn from the better. We have enlightened European community that fights for the rights of Ukrainian citizens, who wants to help them in achieving European standards. How to succeed in that, it takes years and years, also there is a need to achieve unity between quarrelling population in Ukraine, but Europe is ready as always to help. Support is shown in the warm words and sweet promises that heat better than Russian gas.
Sure Montenegro is rightfully condemned desire Putin of Russia to protect its strategic interests in the region, to save fellow rage Galician Ukrainians, deeds to stir in other people's affairs by any state having a democratic and freedom-loving country. Therefore Montenegro should not be of the Russian capital (which is never destroyed profitable KAP) of Russian tourists of the Russian flag. Negligible is  the fact that without Russian and Serbian tourists our beaches would be empty, that the great economic growth of the middle of last decade was caused by the Russian purchase of real estate on the coast. Such things should not be mention because rubles cannot buy people's freedom and democracy.
State-building elites chose the path we walk in the future; the question is if we will ever get to do it. There are two ways, dignified as humans, not forgetting who we are and where we are from or will we crawl on all fours like some.

It's up to us.

Pravi put

Pogleda uprtog ka jednoj strani svijeta zaboravljamo na sve ostalo što se događa oko nas, mi smo postojani u našoj težnji da postanemo kao oni. Možda ne možemo nikada to ostvariti, ali nadamo se da će nam bar dopustiti da se družimo sa njima. Upravo oni oličavaju ideale moderne civilizacije i čovjekoljublja, tamo se ne krše ljudska prava, sloboda govora je nepriksnovena, dostojanstvo čovjeka je iznad svega.
Zašto bi onda postojala bilo kakva dilema, zašto bi se čuli glasovi nezadovoljnih, znaju naši zvaničnici kojem se ,,prikloniti carstvu“. Rusija je država koje ne poštuje međunarodne sporazume neprestano pokušavajući da raspoluti susjednu  Ukrajinu. Naravno Rusi nemaju šta da traže tamo, identitet i istorija Ukrajine nisu više toliko važni od kada je Kijev na evropskom putu. Iako su na taj put krenuli zaprežnim kolima punim problemima oni znaju da ih tamo čeka izbavljenje.
Shodno svemu navedenom u potpunosti je razumljiva odluka Vlade Crne Gore da se pridruži sankcijama Ruskoj federaciji, jer moramo pokazati našu privaženost demokratskim i prije svega načelima ljudskosti. Iskreno sem ideala ima tu i malo oportunizma, ali samo u naznakama. Svakome godi pohvala, a da ne govorimo koliko tek ona koja dolazi od naših prijatelja iz Evropske unije i onih prekoatlanskih. Nakon sankcija smo jedan korak bliže evropskoj porodici naroda, barem naši vlastodršci tako misle. Sprovesti reforme pravnog sistema, spriječiti upliv organizovanog kriminala u politiku neki su od zahtjeva Evropske unije, ali oni nisu tako lako ostvarljivi. Zato treba početi od jednostavnih stvari, gordo i samouvjereno poručiti Rusiji: ,,Zbog vaših mutnih poslova u Ukrajini uvodimo vam sankcije”. Povrh svega Crna Gora poštuje međunarodno pravo i neotuđivost nečije teritorije, to je pokazala 2008. godine na primjeru Kosova.
U ovome slučaju po strani su stavljeni ekonomski interesi, zajednička prošlost, zaboravljene su riječi crnogorskih vladika, golootočka golgota crnogroskih komunista. Potrebno je prije ili kasnije napraviti rez, osloboditi se tereta koji vas sputava u ostvarivanju ciljeva. Neosporno današnja Crna Gora ima dva cilja koja se ne smiju dovoditi u pitanje, članstvo u Evropsku uniju i NATO savez. Zarad toga vlast mora da ima odriješene ruke, ima pravo i da griješi jer i te greške su napravljene iz dobre namjere. Zli jezici će reći da  ne postoji neka razlika između odnosa Crne Gore i EU sa jedne i odnosa metropola prema bivšim  kolonijama sa druge, oni ne shvataju da nije sramota učiti od boljega. Imamo prosvećenu evropsku zajednicu koja se bori za prava građana Ukrajine, koja želi da im pomogne u dostizanju evropskog standarda. Kako bi uspjeli u tome potrebne su godine i godine, takođe potrebno je ostvariti jedinstvo zavađenog življa u Ukrajini, ali Evropa je spremna kao uvijek da pomogne. Podrška se najviše ogleda u toplim riječima i slatkim obećanjima koja  griju bolje od ruskog gasa.
Naravno Crna Gora je sa punim pravom osudila želju Putinove Rusije da zaštiti svoje strateške interese u regionu, da spasi sunarodnike od bijesa galicijskih Ukrajinaca, tapije na mješanje u tuđe državane poslove imaju samo demokratske i slobodarske zemlje. Samim tim Crnoj Gori ne trebaju ni ruski kapital (koji je uništio nikad isplativi KAP), ni ruski turisti ni ruske zastave. Zanemarljiva je činjenica da bi bez ruskih i srpskih turista naše plaže bile prazne, da je veliki ekonomski rast sredinom prošle decenije prouzrokovan ruskom kupovinom nekretnina na primorju. Takve stvari ne treba pominjati jer rubljama se ne može kupiti ljudska sloboda i demokratija.
Državotvorna elita  izabrala je put kojim ćemo hoditi u narednom periodu, nameće se pitanje da i ukoliko ikada stignemo kako ćemo to uraditi. Postoje dva načina, ljudski dostojanstveno, ne zaboravljajući ko smo i odakle smo ili ćemo pak četvoronoške dopuzati poput nekih. 

Odluka je na nama.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

And what is the measure of value in your society?

An open student forum was recently organized in Podgorica, where students had the opportunity to debate with guests, answer some questions, reflect on the past, talk about the present and with a dose of  undefined anticipation imagine future. The guests were Prof. Dr. Đorđije Blazić, dean of the FAES, Dr. Branislav Radulović professor at the University of the Mediterranean and a member of the Senate of the State Audit Agency, Božana Jelusić professor of literature and Neđeljko Rudović, an independent journalist of the daily newspaper Vijesti.
In transition the biggest ethic value was lost and a new one was set - privatization, and it was said 'If God does not exist everything is allowed’. So we come to the  base of success 'connections', which means who you know, who is  who, who owes someone a favor etc... and in such a system real values are getting lost.
Certainly schools should be the ones to provide more, and give predispositions to further progress, enabling individuals not to get lost in such a system and to give them an equal chance. But what is the quality of education and how big is the role of the state in it? 
The primary function of the school is upbringing and educating, but the school has deprived the upbringing function, and a question mark is placed on education. And with all that we come to Bologna
No doubt the idea of Bologna can not be implemented in Montenegrin faculties, where on each year per class we can find 700 or more students. Thus we come to lack of communication between students and professors, we lose the quality of education, the question is how much students actually learn from professors, and how much by reading the book just to pass the exam? This leads to failing to value real knowledge in this 'mechanical' system, where students are just numbers 154/13, 201/12, 03/11, ...106/03. 
A lot of criticism is addressed to the Bologna system, although real student movement as bearers of change isn't there. Students as a class are not united, among students themselves there is a gap between the ones that study at state university and the ones that study at private ones, but history of university existence goes only 40 years back. (1974)
But there is a rule of ‘institute of fear’, which sets a barrage on every desire to change something. In Montenegro the authority hasn't changed since the '90s, although some will equalize this with totalitarianism, the situation in Montenegro is enviable comparing to other countries. Montenegro has the most developed civil society in the region, also almost nowhere in the region we can’t find a free media, and they are controlled by the government. Media in Montenegro are often the target of pressure, attacks and influence of political parties, but above all that they retain their freedom.

The question is whether they are aware of their power and what is it that they should represent?

Since there is the freedom of the media, although not so seldom  limited by certain impacts of threats, attacks, pressures. Thus it isn't rare that the media, aware of it’s power leads to abuses of the freedom and the power they have.
The media should represent the voice of the citizens, and serve as an example that does not hesitate to ask questions and demand answers. Rights guaranteed to citizens bound only to legal documents, but not the reality, and the media should be mediator that will allow citizens to fight and have those rights and indicate to existing irregularities.
These are just some of the questions that students asked and some of the topics discussed at the student forum, which is certainly a step in a positive direction and that means that there are young people willing to start something, thirsty for change, and with a list of questions that they want answered.

 And when you ask the right questions change begins.

And what is the measure of value in your society?

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A koja je mjera vrijednosti u vašem društvu?

Nedavno je u Podgorici organizovan otvoreni studentski forum, gdje su studenti imali priliku da u diskusiji sa gostima dođu do odgovora na neka pitanja, osvrnu se na prošlost, govore o sadašnjosti i sa dozom nedefinisanog iščekivanja zamišljaju budućnost. Gosti su bili Prof. Dr. Đorđije Blažić, dekan FDES-a, Dr. Branislav Radulović profesor na Univerzitetu Mediteran i član senata Državne revizorske agencije , Božana Jelušić profesorica književnosti i Neđeljko Rudović, novinar nezavisnog dnevnog lista Vijesti.
U tranziciji je izgubljena najveća etnička vrijednost i postavljena je nova – privatizacija, i kako je rečeno 'Kad Boga nema sve je dozvoljeno' Tako dolazimo do toga da je osnovna uspjeha 'veza', ko koga zna, ko koga ima, ko kome duguje uslugu... i u jednom takvom sistemu gube se prave vrijednosti.
Svakako škola treba da bude ta koja će da pruži nešto više i da da predispozicije za dalje napredovanje, omogući pojedincima da se ne izgube u takvom sistemu i da im jednake šanse.  Ali kakav je kvalitet obrazovanja i kolika je državna uloga u tome?  Osnovna funkcija škole bi bila vaspitno-obrazovna, međutim škola je sa izuzecima lišena vaspitne fukcije, a znak pitanja se stavlja i na obrazovnu. Pri čemu dolazimo do Bolonje.
Bez sumnje ideju Bolonje nije moguće sprovesti na crnogorskim fakultetima,  gdje na svakoj godini po predmetu možemo nać 700 a nerijetko i više sudenata. Samim tim gubi se komunikacija između studenata i profesora, gubi se na kvalitetu obrazovanja, pitanje je i koliko studenti zapravo nauče od profesora, a koliko samo čitajući knjigu tek da bi položili ispit? 
Time dolazi do pada vrednovanja pravog znanja u tom 'mehaničkom' sistemu, gdje su studenti samo broj, 154/13, 201/12, 03/11,...106/03. 
Mnogo je kritika upućeno bolonjskom sistemu, mada pravi studentski pokret kao nosioc promjena ne postoji. Studenti kao klasa nisu udruženi, među samim studentima se javlja rascijep na one sa državnog i one sa privatnog fakulteta, mada sama istorija postojanja fakulteta ide unazad tek 40-ak godina. (1974)
Međutim postoji i vladavina instituta straha, kojim se postavlja brana svakoj želji da se promijeni nešto. U Crnoj Gori ne dolazi do smjene vlasti konkretno još od 90ih godina, mada bi neki poistovjetili to sa totalitarizmom, situacija u Crnoj Gori je na zavidnom nivou u odnosu na druge zemlje. Crna Gora ima najrazvijeniji civilni sektor u regionu, takođe gotovo nigdje u regionu ne možemo naići na slobodne medije, već su pod kontrolom vlasti.
Mediji u Crnoj Gori često su meta pritiska, napada i uticaja političkih partija, ali iznad svega toga zadržavaju svoju slobodu.

Postavlja se pitanje da li su svjesni svoje moći i šta je ono šta treba da predstavljaju?

Kako postoji sloboda medija, mada nerijetko ograničavana određenim uticajima od prijetnji, napada, pritisaka, mada nije rijetkost da mediji svjesni svoje moći dovode do toga da dolazi do prekoračenja ovlašćenja i zloupotrebe slobode i moći kojom raspolažu.
Mediji treba da reprezentuju glas građana i da služe kao primjer koji se ne ustručava da postavlja pitanja i na postavljena pitanja zahtjeva odgovore. Prava garantovana građanima vezana su samo za pravne akte, ali ne i za stvarnost, a mediji treba da budu posrednici koji će omogućiti građanima da se izbore za ista da u datim situacijama ukažu na postojeće  nepravilnosti.
Ovo su samo neka od pitanja koja su studenti postavili i neke od tema o kojima se raspravljalo na studentskom forumu, koji svakako predstavlja korak u pozitivnom smjeru i koji znači da postoje mladi ljudi voljni da pokrenu nešto, žedni za promjenom i sa listom pitanja na koja žele odgovore.

 A kad se postave prava pitanja počinje promjena.

A koja je mjera vrijednosti u vašem društvu?

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