Saturday, July 19, 2014

The right path

Looking at one side of the world we forget everything else that is happening around us, we are stable in our pursuit to become like them. Perhaps we can never achieve it, but we hope they will at least allow us to socialize with them. It’s them, that embody the ideals of modern civilization and mankind, there where is no violation of human rights, freedom of speech is inviolable, human dignity is above all.
Why should there be any doubt, why the voices of disgruntled would be heard, our officials know to which ‘empire to bow’. Russia is a country that does not respect international agreements, constantly trying to split neighboring Ukraine. Of course the Russians have no business there; the identity and history of Ukraine are not of such importance since Kiev is on the way to Europe. Even though they headed that road with carts full of problems they know that redemption will be waiting there.
According to all of the above the Government's decision to join the sanctions to the Russian Federation is completely understandable, as we show our devotion to democratic and above all principles of humanity. Honestly, except ideal there is a bit of opportunism, but only indications. Everyone enjoys praise, not to mention the ones that come from our friends in the European Union and transatlantic ones.  After the sanctions we are one step closer to the European family of nations, at least our rulers think so. Implement the reform of the legal system, to prevent the influence of organized crime in politics are some of the requirements of the European Union, but they are not as easily accomplishable. So we should start from simple things, boldly and confidently say to Russia, “because of your shady business in Ukraine we bring you sanctions.”On top of everything Montenegro respects international law and one’s inalienable territory; it has been shown in the year 2008 in the case of Kosovo.
In this case, the parties have put to side economic interests, shared past, and forgotten the words of Montenegrin prince –bishops, the Golgotha of Montenegrin communists. It is needed to make the cut sooner or later, get rid of the burden that is holding you back in achieving the objectives. Undeniably, today Montenegro has two objectives that cannot be questioned, membership in the European Union and NATO. Because of this the power holder must have free hands, they have the right to make mistakes because those are the mistakes made ​​in good faith. Evil tongues will say that there is no difference between the relations between Montenegro and the EU on the one hand, and relations with the former colonial metropolis on the other, they do not realize that it is not a shame to learn from the better. We have enlightened European community that fights for the rights of Ukrainian citizens, who wants to help them in achieving European standards. How to succeed in that, it takes years and years, also there is a need to achieve unity between quarrelling population in Ukraine, but Europe is ready as always to help. Support is shown in the warm words and sweet promises that heat better than Russian gas.
Sure Montenegro is rightfully condemned desire Putin of Russia to protect its strategic interests in the region, to save fellow rage Galician Ukrainians, deeds to stir in other people's affairs by any state having a democratic and freedom-loving country. Therefore Montenegro should not be of the Russian capital (which is never destroyed profitable KAP) of Russian tourists of the Russian flag. Negligible is  the fact that without Russian and Serbian tourists our beaches would be empty, that the great economic growth of the middle of last decade was caused by the Russian purchase of real estate on the coast. Such things should not be mention because rubles cannot buy people's freedom and democracy.
State-building elites chose the path we walk in the future; the question is if we will ever get to do it. There are two ways, dignified as humans, not forgetting who we are and where we are from or will we crawl on all fours like some.

It's up to us.

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